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CERES Terra Edition2A SSF
Data Quality Summary

Investigation: CERES

Data Product: Single Scanner Footprint TOA/Surface Fluxes and Clouds (SSF)

Data Set: Terra (Instruments: CERES-FM1 or CERES-FM2, MODIS)

Data Set Version: Edition2A

The purpose of this document is to inform users of the accuracy of this data product as determined by the CERES Science Team. The document summarizes user applied revisions (e.g. Rev1), key validation results, provides cautions where users might easily misinterpret the data, provides links to further information about the data product, algorithms, and accuracy, and gives information about planned data improvements. This document also automates registration in order to keep users informed of new validation results, cautions, or improved data sets as they become available.

User applied revisions are a method CERES uses to identify improvements to existing archived data products that are simple for users to implement, and allow correction of data products that would not be possible in the archived versions until the next major reprocessing 1 to 2 years in the future. All revisions applicable to this data set are noted in the section User Applied Revisions to Current Edition.

This document is a high-level summary and represents the minimum information needed by scientific users of this data product. It is strongly suggested that authors, researchers, and reviewers of research papers re-check this document for the latest status before publication of any scientific papers using this data product.

Table of Contents

Nature of the SSF Product

This document discusses the Single Scanner Footprint (SSF) data set version Edition2A for Terra. Additional information is in the Description/Abstract document. The files in this data product contain one hour of full and partial-Earth view measurements or footprints located in colatitude and longitude at a surface reference level.

The Terra SSF is a unique product for studying the role of clouds, aerosols, and radiation in climate. Each CERES footprint (nadir resolution 20-km equivalent diameter) on the SSF includes reflected shortwave (SW), emitted longwave (LW) and window (WN) radiances and top-of-atmosphere (TOA) fluxes from CERES with temporally and spatially coincident imager-based radiances, cloud properties, and aerosols, and meteorological information from a fixed 4-dimensional analysis provided by the Global Modeling and Assimilation Office (GMAO). Cloud properties are inferred from the Moderate-Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) imager, which flies along with CERES on the Terra spacecraft. MODIS is a 36-channel; 1-km, 500-m, and 250-m nadir resolution; narrowband scanner operating in crosstrack mode. To infer cloud properties, CERES uses a 1-km resolution MODIS radiance subset that has been subsampled to include only the data that corresponds to every fourth 1-km pixel and every second scanline. The Terra SSF retains footprint imager radiance statistics for 5 of the 19 MODIS channels (SSF-115 through SSF-131). The Terra Edition2A SSF contains footprint aerosol parameters from both the 10-km spatial resolution MODIS aerosol product (SSF-132 through SSF-160) and the NOAA/NESDIS algorithm (SSF-73 through SSF-78). Surface fluxes derived from the CERES instrument using several different techniques (algorithms) are also provided. Sampling of the CERES footprints is performed to reduce processing time and data volume. (See Cautions and Helpful Hints.)

CERES defines SW (shortwave or solar) and LW (longwave or thermal infrared) in terms of physical origin, rather than wavelength. We refer to the solar radiation that enters or exits the Earth-atmosphere system as SW. LW is the thermal radiant energy emitted by the Earth-atmosphere system. Emitted radiation that is subsequently scattered is still regarded as LW. Roughly 1% of the incoming SW is at wavelengths greater than 4 µm. Less than 1 W m-2 of the OLR is at wavelengths smaller than 4 µm. The CERES unfiltered window (WN) radiance and flux represent emitted thermal radiation over the 8.1 to 11.8 µm wavelength interval.

The SSF product combines the absolute calibration and stability strengths of the broadband CERES radiation data with the high spectral and spatial resolution MODIS imager-based cloud and aerosol properties. A major advantage of the SSF over the traditional ERBE-like ES-8 TOA flux data product is the new angular models derived from CERES Rotating Azimuth Plane data that now allow accurate radiative fluxes not only for monthly mean regional ensembles (ERBE-like capability) but also as a function of cloud type. Fluxes in the CERES Terra Edition2A SSF are based on a new set of global Angular Distribution Models (ADMS). With these new ADMs, accurate fluxes can be obtained for both optically thin clouds as a class, as well as optically thick clouds. This is a result of new empirical CERES angular models that classify clouds by optical depth, cloud fraction, and water/ice classes. ERBE-like TOA fluxes are only corrected for simple clear, partly-cloudy, mostly-cloudy, and overcast classes. In addition, clear-sky identification and clear-sky fluxes are expected to be much improved over the ERBE-like equivalent, because of the use of the imager cloud mask, as well as the new angular models incorporating ocean wind speed and surface vegetation class.

Finally, early estimates of surface radiative fluxes are given using relatively simple parameterizations applied to the SSF radiation and cloud parameters. These estimates strive for simplicity and as directly as possible use the TOA flux observations. More complex radiative transfer computations of surface and atmosphere fluxes using the SSF data and constrained to the observed SSF TOA fluxes will be provided on the CERES CRS Data Product.

CERES footprints containing one or more MODIS imager pixels are included on the SSF product. Since the MODIS imager can only scan to a maximum viewing zenith angle (VZA) of ~65°, this means that only CERES footprints with VZA < 67° are retained on the SSF when CERES is in the crosstrack scan mode. When CERES is scanning in either the Rotating Azimuth Plane (RAP) or the alongtrack scan mode, CERES footprints with VZA > 67° do appear on this product, provided they lie within the MODIS swath. Sampling of the CERES footprints is performed to reduce processing time and data volume. (See Cautions and Helpful Hints.The nominal CERES Terra operation cycle for each instrument is 3 months in crosstrack scan mode followed by three months in RAP mode. The cycles of the two instruments are offset by three months such that there is always one instrument operating in the crosstrack scan mode and one in the RAP mode. Nominally, every fourteen days, the instrument operating in RAP mode switches to alongtrack scan mode for one day. In February 2002, the nominal 3-month switching cycle was halted. At that time, the FM1 instrument was placed into crosstrack scan mode, and the FM2 instrument was placed in RAP mode. The instrument scan modes may again change. To determine operations on any given day, refer to the CERES Operations in Orbit.)Users interested in spatially contiguous image data should use the CERES crosstrack data products. Users interested in full angular coverage over time (but with spatial gaps) should use the CERES RAP data. Users interested in many different angular views of the satellite ground track should use the CERES Along Track data.

A full list of parameters on the SSF is contained in the SSF section of the CERES Data Products Catalog (PDF) and a definition of each parameter is contained in the SSF Collection Guide.

When referring to a CERES data set, please include the satellite name and/or the CERES instrument name, the data set version, and the data product. Multiple files that are identical in all aspects of the filename except for the 6 digit configuration code (see Collection Guide) differ little, if any, scientifically. Users may, therefore, analyze data from the same satellite/instrument, data set version, and data product without regard to configuration code. Depending upon the instrument analyzed, these data sets may be referred to as "CERES Terra FM1 Edition2A SSF" or "CERES Terra FM2 Edition2A SSF."

User Applied Revisions for Current Edition

The purpose of User Applied Revisions is to provide the scientific community early access to algorithm improvements which will be included in the future Editions of the CERES data products. The intent is to provide users simple algorithms along with a description of how and why they should be applied in order to capture the most significant improvements prior to their introduction in the production processing environment. It is left to the user to apply a revision to data ordered from the Atmospheric Science Data Center. Note: Users should never apply more than one revision. Revisions are independent and the latest, most recent revision to a data set includes all of the identified adjustments.

SSF Edition2A-Rev1

The CERES Science Team has approved a table of scaling factors which users should apply to the Edition2A SSF SW parameters.

For the CERES SW TOA upward filtered radiance (SSF-32) and the CERES SW TOA upward unfiltered radiance (SSF-35), users should utilize the following equation:

For the CERES SW TOA upward flux (SSF-38), users should utilize the following equation:

For the CERES SW surface net fluxes, Model A (SSF-44) and Model B (SSF-48), users should utilize the following equation:

For the CERES SW surface downward fluxes, Model A (SSF-41) and Model B (SSF-46), no corrections should be applied, and thus:

This revision is necessary to account for spectral darkening of the transmissive optics on the CERES SW channels. By June 2005, this darkening has reduced the average global all-sky SW flux measurements by 1.1 and 1.8 percent for Terra FM1 and FM2 data respectively. A complete description of the physics of this darkening appears in the CERES BDS Quality Summaries under the Expected Reprocessing section. After application of this revision to the Edition2A SSF data set, users should refer to the data as Terra Edition2A-Rev1 SSF.

Cautions and Helpful Hints

There are several cautions the CERES Science Team notes regarding the use of CERES Terra Edition2A SSF data:




TOA Flux

Surface Flux

Accuracy and Validation

Accuracy and validation discussions are organized into sections. Please read those sections which correspond to parameters of interest.

Expected Reprocessing

To correct an error in the SW TOA flux code for CERES footprints that are cloudy over desert or land (see TOA fluxes accuracy and validation discussion), CERES plans to reprocess the TOA and surface fluxes to produce a Terra Edition2B SSF in the Spring or Summer of 2004.

Additionally, the Terra SSF data product may be reprocessed at a future date, after revision of the algorithms to implement a variety of changes. The time frame for executing a later-edition cloud algorithm is currently expected to occur 2006/2007. Some of the changes that will be included in such a reprocessing are noted below:

Referencing Data in Journal Articles

The CERES Team has gone to considerable trouble to remove major errors and to verify the quality and accuracy of these data. Please provide a reference to the following paper when you publish scientific results with the data:

Wielicki, B. A., B. R. Barkstrom, E. F. Harrison, R. B. Lee III, G. L. Smith, and J. E. Cooper, 1996: Clouds and the Earth's Radiant Energy System (CERES): An Earth Observing System Experiment, Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., 77, 853-868.

When using the cloud data results, please reference the following paper, which will be updated when a journal article becomes available:

Minnis, P., D. F. Young, S. Sun-Mack, P. W. Heck, D. R. Doelling, and Q. Trepte, 2003: "CERES Cloud Property Retrievals from Imagers on TRMM, Terra, and Aqua" Proc. SPIE 10th International Symposium on Remote Sensing: Conference on Remote Sensing of Clouds and the Atmosphere VII, Barcelona, Spain, September 8-12, 37-48.

When data from the Langley Data Center are used in a publication, we request the following acknowledgment be included:

"These data were obtained from the Atmospheric Science Data Center at the NASA Langley Research Center."

The Atmospheric Science Data Center at Langley requests a reprint of any published papers or reports or a brief description of other uses (e.g., posters, oral presentations, etc.) of data that we have distributed. This will help us determine the use of data that we distribute, which is important for optimizing product development. It also helps us to keep our product-related references current.

Feedback and Questions

For questions or comments on the CERES Quality Summary, contact the User and Data Services staff at the Atmospheric Science Data Center.

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Document Creation Date: December 30, 2003
Modification History: Feb 2005, Dec 2005, July 2007
Most Recent Modification: July 18, 2007
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