OS: Office of the Secretary
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Letter from Secretary Paige: Helping Children During the War

More Resources
Educator's Guidebook
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Freedom Corps website

Many of our nation's schoolchildren find their lives deeply touched during this time of war. This is especially true for children in military families, who sacrifice their personal comfort and experience tremendous upheaval when their parents are called upon to serve our country at home or abroad.

Our schools can be an anchor for children during these challenging times. Schools provide stability and a normal routine. The predictability of the classroom helps to cushion the impact of deployment on children and the entire school community.

A new handbook is available to help educators guide their students during these trying times. This handbook can help educators build coping skills in their students during and after a military deployment. The goal is to bring needed support and understanding to the process and to maintain an optimal learning environment in the classroom and the school.

This handbook contains specific and practical guidelines for administrators, counselors, teachers, and other school employees are presented in order to identify age-related reactions and focus on appropriate intervention strategies.

I encourage you to check www.ed.gov/inits/homefront for more information, including helpful links to organizations that may be of assistance. We will continually update this site with new information that parents, educators and others should find useful.

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Last Modified: 10/14/2005

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