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EPA Promotes Ecological Revitalization at Superfund Sites

West Page Swamp - Bunker Hill, ID (2005)

Photo caption: West Page Swamp - Bunker Hill, ID (2005)

EPA actively encourages the restoration and revegetation of contaminated sites. Such encouragement is leading to the reclamation of former landfills, abandoned dumps, mines and other contaminated properties for a variety of productive uses. In addition to the potential for various types of redevelopment, cleanups allow sites to be restored for green space, recreation and for ecological reuse.

To help site project managers, consultants and other interested parties understand the benefits and different approaches to ecological restoration, EPA has begun development of a series of papers on the topic. EPA recently published the first paper in the series entitled Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) about Ecosystem Restoration of Superfund Sites. This paper addresses questions about returning damaged land at Superfund sites to a state of health, vitality and diversity. The second published paper, Use of Native Plants for Revegetating Landfills and Waste Containment Areas, covers site specific factors that site project managers should address when considering revegetation of former landfills, abandoned dumps, mine lands and other contaminated areas.

These documents and others can be found at EPA's Technology Innovation Program's Revitalization Resources page.


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