CBS Newsletter
Summer 1994
pg. 11

News From the D.C. Office:
U.S. Green Building Council Priorities

The U.S. Green Building Council was recently formed as a nonprofit, Washington-based organization to promote environmentally sound building design, construction, and operation. The Council's concept of "green building" includes energy efficiency, indoor environmental quality, occupant comfort and productivity, and "sustainable choices of materials, location, and site design.

LBL is one of the few research organizations to have joined the Green Building Council thus far. Steve Selkowitz is LBL's primary contact, and Jeff Harris covers many of the meetings in Washington. Other Council members include industry organizations, manufacturing firms, utilities, environmental groups, and several Federal agencies.

At the Council's general meeting in Washington D.C., 18-19 April, members selected three priority program areas for work this year:

Some of the Council's other interests include: LBL shares with many Council members a whole-buildings perspective on performance--one that seeks to integrate technologies and systems, hardware and people issues, design and operation, and attention to end-of-life issues for structural components, equipment, and furnishings. Participation in the Council offers LBL an opportunity to apply its tools and expertise on energy efficiency to a broader spectrum of building performance issues and to link its concerns with indoor air quality and energy. LBL's expertise on energy efficiency is a valuable resource for the Council, since energy cost savings, the one benefit relatively easy to document, represents a solid foundation for the claims of added market value being pursued by Green Buildings advocates.

Jeff Harris
Environmental Energy Technologies Division
1250 Maryland Ave. SW, Suite 150
Washington D.C. 20024
(202) 484-0880

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