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2007 Level II Scientific and Technological Achievement Awards (STAA) Awarded Nominations

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Level II awards - are for those who have accomplished a notably excellent research or technological effort that has qualities and values similar to, but to a lesser degree, than those described under Level I. Awarded research has timely consequences and contributes as an important scientific/technological achievement within its discipline or field of study.

Children  Aquatic study  Shoreline  Scientist at work

Nominations Recommended for a Level II Award ($2500) -- Total of Fifteen
Nom. # Titles and Citations of Submitted Paper Eligible Authors* and Nominating Organization Ineligible Authors and Organization Citation
S7CS0005 Control of Mercury Emissions from Coal-Fired Electric Utility Boilers
Environmental Science & Technology, 41(5):1385-1393 (2006)
Ravi K. Srivastava (35%)
Nick D. Hutson (25%)
Frank T. Princiotta (20%)
G. Blair Martin (10%)

NRMRL, Research Triangle Park, NC
James E. Staudt (10%) - Andover Technology Partners Providing the Public with a Comprehensive Summary of Technologies for Control of Mercury Emissions from Electric Utility Boilers
S7EF0007 (1) Chemical Structure Indexing of Toxicity Data on the Internet: Moving Towards a Flat World
Current Opinion in Drug Discovery & Development, 9(3):314-325 (2006)
[Abstract | Full Text PDF exit EPA]
(2) Future of Predictive Toxicology: An Expanded View of "Chemical Toxicity"
Chemical Research in Toxicology, Future of Toxicology Perspectives Series, 19(310):1257-1262 (2006)
[Abstract | Full Text | Full Text PDF exit EPA]
Ann M. Richard (80%)

NCCT, Research Triangle Park, NC
Lois S. Gold (10%) - University of California at Berkeley
Marc C. Nicklaus (10%) - FCRDC National Institutes of Health
A New Paradigm of Cheminformatics, Data Models, and High-Throughput Testing for Toxicity Prioritizing in EPA
S7ER0013 Biogenic Volatile Organic Compound Emissions from Desert Vegetation of the Southwestern US
Atmospheric Environment, 40(9):1645-1660 (2006)
[Abstract | Full Text | Full Text PDF exit EPA]
Chris D. Geron (80%)

NRMRL, Research Triangle Park, NC
Alex Guenther (10%) - National Center for Atmospheric Research
Jim Greenberg (5%) -National Center for Atmospheric Research
Thomas Karl (3%) - National Center for Atmospheric Research
Rei Rasmussen (2%) - Environmental and Biomolecular Systems
Research on Arid Land Natural Oxidant and Organic Aerosol Precursor Compounds
S7ER0019 Establishment of Transgenic Herbicide-Resistant Creeping Bentgrass (Agrostis stolonifera L.) in Nonagronomic Habitats
Molecular Ecology, 15(13):4243-4255 (2006)
[Abstract | Full Text | Full Text PDF exit EPA]
Jay R. Reichman (30%)
Lidia S. Watrud (25%)
Connie A. Burdick (10%)
E. Henry Lee (10%)

NHEERL, Corvallis, OR
Mike A. Bollman (10%) - Dynamac Corporation
Marjorie J. Storm (5%) - Dynamac Corporation
George A. King (5%) - Dynamac Corporation
Carol Mallory-Smith (5%) - Oregon State University
Ecological Research Presenting the First Evidence for Escape of Transgenic Plants into Wild Populations within the USA
S7ER0023 Biota-Sediment Accumulation Factors for Polychlorinated Biphenyls, Dibenzo-p-dioxins, and Dibenzofurans in Southern Lake Michigan Lake Trout (Salvelinus namaycush)
Environmental Science & Technology, 38(20):5297-5305 (2004)
[Abstract exit EPA]
Marta T. Lukasewycz (34%)
Phillip M. Cook (33%)
Lawrence P. Burkhard (33%)

NHEERL, Duluth, MN
  Providing High Quality Set of Biota-Sediment Accumulation Factors for PCBs, PCDDs, and PCDFs
S7ER0024 (1) Comparison of Biota-Sediment Accumulation Factors Across Ecosystems
Environmental Science & Technology, 39(15):5716-5721 (2005)
[Abstract exit EPA]
(2) A Hybrid Empirical-Mechanistic Modeling Approach for Extrapolating BSAFs and BAFs Across Species, Time and/or Ecosystems.
Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, 25(7):1946-1952 (2006)
Marta T. Lukasewycz (34%)
Phillip M. Cook (33%)
Lawrence P. Burkhard (33%)

NHEERL, Duluth, MN
  Developing Methods for Extrapolating Bioaccumulation Data
S7ER0028 Coho Salmon Dependence on Intermittent Streams
Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment, 4(10):513-518 (2006)
[Abstract | Full Text PDF exit EPA]
Parker J. Wigington, Jr. (33%)
Joseph L. Ebersole (20%)
Scott G. Leibowitz (5%)
Jana E. Compton (3%)
Michael A. Cairns (3%)
J. Renee Brooks (3%)
M. Robbins Church (3%)
Joan P. Baker (3%)
Denis White (3%)

NHEERL, Corvallis, OR
Michael E. Colvin (15%) - Independent Student Contractor
Bruce Miller (3%) - Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife
Bruce Hansen (3%) - U.S. Forest Service
Hank A. Lavigne (3%) - Oregon State University
Outstanding Research Quantifying the Influence of Intermittent Streams on the Biological Integrity of Navigable Waters
S7ER0032 (1) Uptake and Elimination of Ionizable Organic Chemicals at Fish Gills: I. Model Formulation, Parameterization, and Behavior
Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, 25(6):1512-1521 (2006)
(2) Uptake and Elimination of Ionizable Organic Chemicals at Fish Gills: II. Observed and Predicted Effects of pH, Alkalinity, and Chemical Properties
Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, 25(6):1522-1532 (2006)
Russell J. Erickson (20%)
James M. McKim (20%)
Gregory J. Lien (20%)
Alex D. Hoffman (20%)
Sharon L. Batterman (20%)

NHEERL, Duluth, MN
  A Mechanistic Model for Effects of pH on Risks of Ionizable Organic Chemicals to Fish
S7ER0141 Linking Land Cover and Water Quality in New York City's Water Supply Watersheds
Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 107:29-44 (2005)
Megan Mehaffey (30%)
Timothy Wade (20%)
Maliha Nash (20%)
K. Bruce Jones (10%)
Donald Ebert (10%)

NERL, Research Triangle Park, NC
Audrey Rager (10%) - University of Nevada
New York City Water Supply Research Which Demonstrated Tangible Environmental and Economic Impact
S7HE0058 Mini-Monograph: Risk Assessment/ Issues in TCE Risk Assessment (Contains 5 Articles)
a. Key scientific issuses in the health risk assessment of trichloroethylene.
[Abstract | Full Text | Full Text PDF exit EPA]
b. Issuses in the pharmacokinetics of trichloroethylene and its metabolites.
[Abstract | Full Text | Full Text PDF exit EPA]
c. Key issues in the modes of action and effects of trichloroethylene metabolites for liver and kidney tumorigenesis.
[Abstract | Full Text | Full Text PDF exit EPA]
d. Key issues in the role of peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor agonism and cell signaling in trichloroethylene toxicity.
[Abstract | Full Text | Full Text PDF exit EPA]
e. Trichloroethylene cancer epidemiology: a consderation of select issues.
[Abstract | Full Text | Full Text PDF exit EPA]
Environmental  Health Perspectives, 114(9):1450-1478 (2006)
Weihsueh A. Chiu (30%)
Jane C. Calwell (25%)
Cheryl S. Scott (20%)
Nagalakshmi Keshava (19%)
John C. Lipscomb (2%)
Miles S. Okino (2%) - NERL
Marina V. Evans (2%)

NCEA, Washington, DC
  An Update and Perspective on Some of the More Critical and Contentious Scientific Issues in the Risk Assessment of TCE
S7MM0078 Land-Cover Change Detection using Multi-Temporal MODIS NDVI Data
Remote Sensing of Environment, 105(2):142-154 (2006)
[Abstract | Full Text PDF exit EPA]
Ross S. Lunetta (34%)
Joseph F. Knight (23%)
L. Dorsey Worthy (10%)
John G. Lyon (10%)

NERL, Research Triangle Park, NC
Jayantha Ediriwickrema (23%) - Computer Sciences Corporation Original Research in the Area of Land-Cover Change Detection to Advance Regional Scale Environmental Monitoring Science
S7MM0144 National Environmental Health Measures for Minority and Low-Income Populations: Tracking Social Disparities in Environmental Health
Environmental Research, 102(2):154-171 (2006)
[Abstract | Full Text PDF exit EPA]
Devon C. Payne-Sturges (50%)

OCHPEE, Washington, DC
Gilbert C. Gee (50%) - The University of Michigan School of Public Health Development of Indicators/Measures to Track Environmental Health Impacts of Racial and Ethnic Minority Communities
S7OR0085 (1) Global Transcriptome Analysis of Staphylococcus aureus Response to Hydrogen Peroxide
Journal of Bacteriology, 188(4):1648-1659 (2006)
[Abstract | Full Text | Full Text PDF exit EPA]
(2) Toxicogenomic Response of Staphylococcus aureus to Peracetic Acid
Environmental Science and Technology, 40(16):5124-5131 (2006)
(3) The Microarray Analysis of Pseudomonas aeruginosa Reveals Induction of Pyocin in Response to Hydrogen Peroxide
BMC Genomics, 6(1):115 (2005)
[Abstract | Full Text | Full Text PDF]
Freshteh Toghrol (50%)

OPP, Ft. Meade, MD
Wook Chang (30%) - University of Maryland Biotechnology Institute
David A. Small (10%) - University of Maryland Biotechnology Institute
William E. Bentley (10%) - University of Maryland Biotechnology Institute
Advancing the Agency's Antimicrobial Testing Program Abilities to Genomic Investigation of Microbial Pathogens 
S7OR0088 Use of Competitive DNA Hybridization to Identify Differences in the Genomes of Bacteria
Journal of Microbiological Methods, 66:321-330 (2006)
[Abstract | Full Text | Full Text exit EPA]
Orin C. Shanks (65%)
Jorge W. Santo Domingo (30%)

NRMRL, Cincinnati, OH
James E. Graham (5%) - University of Louisville School of Medicine Scientific and Technological Achievement in the Field of Genomics
S7SS0143 Environmental Health Disparities: A Framework Integrating Psychosocial and Environmental Concepts
Environmental Health Perspectives, 112(17):1645-53 (2004)
[Abstract | Full Text | Full Text exit EPA]
Devon C. Payne-Sturges (50%)

OCHPEE, Washington, DC
Gilbert C. Gee (50%) - University of Michigan School of Public Health Advancing the Interdisciplinary Study of Racial/Ethnic Disparities in Environmental Health and Cumulative Risk
Key to Acronyms used in the above Table
NCEA National Center for Environmental Assessment
NERL National Exposure Research Laboratory
NHEERL National Health and Environmental Effects Laboratory
NHSRC National Hazardous Substance Research Center
NRMRL National Risk Management Research Laboratory
OAQPS Office of Air Quality Planning and Standards
OEI Offcice of Environmental Information
OPP Office of Pesticide Programs
ORIA Office of Radiation and Indoor Air
OSCP Office of Science Coordination and Policy
OSW Office of Solid Waste
OTAQ Office of Transportation and Air Quality
*Note: The percentages given after name represent the current percent of the total level of effort as documented in the EPA nomination.

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