[National Institutes of Health] [Table of Contents] [Social Security Administration]

An Inventory Of Federally Sponsored HIV And HIV-Relevant Databases

Itemized Inventory
Department of Health and Human Services

Center for Substance Abuse Treatment (CSAT) Program Evaluation Branch (PEB), Substance Abuse and Mental Health Administration (SAMSHA)

Database: HIV Outreach Demonstration Program

Purpose Of The Database And Study Design: The HIV Outreach Demonstration Program is designed to assess the treatment knowledge of injecting drug users and their sex and/or needle-sharing partners. The HIV Outreach Demonstration Program operates in twelve sites in the US. The cross-site evaluation is designed to pool local project implementation and operations data to determine if these projects reach national program goals and client treatment outcome objectives.

Nature Of The Data Collected: Cross-sectional and longitudinal data

Unit Of Analysis: Client and service program

Data Collection Methods: Survey instruments are used in the evaluation. Three discrete client data collection cycles are used: (1) anonymous outreach contacts recorded by outreach workers; (2) primary data collection at initial contact with the outreach program, data collected continually during the client’s tenure, and follow-up data collected following the HIV outreach intake; and (3) data collected for clients entering substance abuse treatment at intake and six-month follow-up

General Attributes: Process measures are collected within an evaluative framework

Major Data Constructs And Key Data Elements: Five types of data are collected: system-level measures, project-level measures, cost measures, client-level measures, and follow-up data. Systems-level data include organizational characteristics of project sites. Project-level measures include information about each organizational unit that provides client services including service delivery units (SDUs) and cost data for each organizational unit. SDU data includes information about the facilities, staff, types of care, therapeutic approach, and services provided. Cost measures include pace and nature of project/SDU expenditures, total and average service costs per client, and budget expenditures, and total costs per outreach project. Contact data includes the number of first or repeat outreach contacts including age, gender, and race/ethnicity of persons contacted, as well as the number of HIV risk reduction, drug treatment, and other materials distributed by outreach workers. Client-level data include: education, employment, income, criminal justice involvement, risk exposure categories, substance use patterns, HIV outreach services, substance abuse service use, and follow-up.

Strengths And Weaknesses Of The Study Design And Database: None identified

Gaps In The Data Collected And Factors Leading To The Gaps: None identified

Feasibility Of Linking With Other Databases: Uncertain

Process To Access The Database And Contact Person: Penny E. Dorsey, Calliber Associates, 10530 Rosehaven Street, Suite 400, Fairfax VA 22030, (703) 385-3200.

Selected Citations:

Center for Substance Abuse Treatment, HIV Outreach Demonstration Program Cross-Site Evaluation Second Annual Report. Rockville: Substance Abuse and Mental Health Administration, 1998.

[National Institutes of Health] [Table of Contents] [Social Security Administration]