Input from youth and families, too-often overlooked, can contribute greatly to the success of treatment—from providing opinions on a questionnaire to participating in a focus group, from giving feedback on interventions to simply speaking to other families undergoing treatment. Their involvement can also lead to enhanced clinical treatment approaches; improved organizational responsiveness; and changes in policies, training, and patient educational materials. Some families find that reaching out to other families helps their own healing process.

The resources below can guide mental health providers and consumers to develop fruitful partnerships.

Page Contents:
Pathways to Partnerships with Youth and Families in the National Child Traumatic Stress Network

Pathways to Partnerships with Youth and Families in the National Child Traumatic Stress Network (PDF) offers members of the NCTSN and other agencies that provide trauma treatment a structure for examining and expanding the role of youth and families in their organizations on both the clinical and organizational levels. Self-assessment tools, along with sample goals, objectives, activities, and strategies help users evaluate current participation and target areas for further integrating youth and families. Practical examples from an NCTSN member organization provide useful illustrations of the concepts and methods discussed.

Pathways to Partnerships is a practical resource that gives organizations the tools they need to begin this process of effective engagement.

Other Resources

Circle of Parents
Network of parent-led self-help groups

Federation of Families for Children's Mental Health
Family-run organization that advocates for the needs of children receiving mental health services and their families.

Harvard Family Research Project
Project focused on developing and evaluating strategies to promote the well-being of children, youth, families, and their communities.

Innovation Center for Community & Youth Development
Organization providing guidance and technical assistance to engage young people in their communities.

National Mental Health Consumers' Self-Help Clearinghouse
Technical assistance center providing connections to self-help and advocacy resources and offering expertise on groups and organizations that serve people who have been diagnosed with mental illnesses.

Self-Directed Care
Publications for consumers and survivors from the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration.

Youth Bring New Perspective to Mental Health Advocacy
Article from Psychiatric News on young mental health policy consumer advocates.

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