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385 Titles Match Your Query
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1. MBDyn - MultiBody Dynamics Software [MBDyn]
MBDyn - MultiBody Dynamics Software is a free MultiBody Dynamics analysis software system developed at the Dipartimento di Ingegneria Aerospaziale of the University "Politecnico di Milano", ...

2. Atmospheric Dispersion Modelling System, Industrial Pollution Model: ADMS 3 [ADMS]
Atmospheric Dispersion Modeling System (ADMS-3) is an advanced dispersion model for calculating concentrations of pollutants emitted both continuously from point, ...

The HAZUS-MH earthquake model estimates damage and loss to buildings, lifelines and essential facilities from scenario and probabilistic earthquakes, including: 1. Ground shaking ...

The HAZUS-MH Hurricane Model allows users to estimate the economic and social losses from hurricane winds. The information provided by the model can be used by state and local officials in ...

The HAZUS-MH Flood Model allows planners and other practitioners to carry out a wide range of flood hazard analyses, including: -Studies of specific return intervals of floods ...

6. MSSURVIV - Multi-State-SURVIVal Analysis [USGS_MSSURVIV]
Program MSSURVIV (Multi-State-SURVIVal analysis) computes parameter estimates of survival/transition and capture probability under the multistate models described in "Capture-recapture Studies ...

7. GENPRES: Generates Patch Occupancy Data and Analyzes Using Program MARK [USGS_GENPRES]
GENPRES estimates patch occupancy rates and related parameters. This work is in collaboration with Darryl MacKenzie, and is largely funded by the Amphibian Research and Monitoring Initiative ...

8. Chemical Digital Atlas [NASA_LARC_DATLAS]
NASA Langley Research Center is establishing a temporally- and spatially-ordered digital atlas of atmospheric chemistry fields, using data from historical and recent airborne missions and field ...

9. Dust Regional Atmospheric Model - Barcelona WCS/WMS [DREAM]   PARENT SERF
This describes and provides access to an Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) Web Coverage Service (WCS) and Web Mapping Service (WMS) for the following dataset:Dust Regional Atmospheric ...

10. Public Health Application in Remote Sensing (PHAiRS) [PHAiRS]
State and local health officials face a wide range of challenges from DUI and tobacco-related illnesses to environmental and infectious diseases. To meet these challenges, officials require ...

11. Earth System Modeling Framework (ESMF) [ESMF]
The Earth System Modeling Framework (ESMF) collaboration, which consists of Earth scientists and computational experts from major U.S. Earth modeling centers, ...

12. Goddard Earth Observing System Model, Version 5 (GEOS-5) [NASA_GEOS-5]
The Goddard Earth Observing System Model, Version 5 (GEOS-5) is a system of models integrated using the Earth System Modeling Framework (ESMF). The GEOS-5 DAS integrates the GEOS-5 AGCM ...

13. Invasive Species Forecasting System [NASA_ISFS]
The NASA Office of Earth Science and the US Geological Survey are working together to develop a National Invasive Species Forecasting System for the early detection, remediation, management, ...

14. MIT General Circulation Model (MITgcm) [MITgcm]
The MITgcm (MIT General Circulation Model) is a numerical model designed for study of the atmosphere, ocean, and climate. Its non-hydrostatic formulation enables ...

15. The GFDL Modular Ocean Model (MOM4) [NOMADS_MOM4_BETA_MODEL]
The Modular Ocean Model (MOM) is a numerical representation of the ocean's hydrostatic primitive equations, and it is designed primarily as a tool for studying ...

16. Wind Wizard: Gridded Wind Model [Wind_Wizard]
Wind Wizard (Gridded Wind Model) is a method that can provide information about the effect of topography on local wind flow at the 100-300 ft scale. Wind information at this detail is ...

17. BehavePlus: A Fire Modeling System [BehavePlus]
The BehavePlus fire modeling system is a PC-based program that is a collection of models that describe fire behavior, fire effects, and the fire environment. It is a flexible system that ...

18. FARSITE: A Fire Behavior and Growth Simulator [FARSITE]
FARSITE is a fire behavior and growth simulator for use on Windows computers. It is used by Fire Behavior Analysts from the USDA FS, USDI NPS, USDI BLM, and USDI BIA, and is taught in ...

19. Potential Field Source Surface Models [PFSS]
Potential Field Source Surface Models provide an approximate description of the solar coronal magnetic field based on observed photospheric fields (magnetograms). ...

20. ABBY NORMAL Model [abbyNormal]
The ABsorption BY the D and E Region of HF Signals with NORMAL Incidence or the ABBYNORMAL Model calculates the D and E region (60-150 km) ionization sources and ion-neutral chemistry ...

21. Block-Adaptive-Tree-Solarwind-Roe-Upwind-Scheme [BATSRUS]
BATS-R-US, the Block-Adaptive-Tree-Solarwind-Roe-Upwind-Scheme, was developed by the Computational Magnetohydrodynamics (MHD) Group at the University of Michigan, now Center for ...

22. Coupled Thermosphere/Ionosphere Plasmasphere (CTIP) Model [ION_THERMO_FULLER_ROLLELL]
The coupled thermosphere-ionosphere-plasmasphere (CTIP) model consists of three distinct components: -A global thermosphere model; -A high latitude ionosphere model; ...

23. ENLIL: Time-Dependent 3D MHD Model of the Heliosphere [ENLIL]
ENLIL is a time-dependent 3D MHD model of the heliosphere. It solves for plasma mass, momentum and energy density, and magnetic field, using a Flux-Corrected-Transport (FCT) algorithm. ...

24. Exospheric Solar Wind Model [Exospheric]
This is an exospheric model of the solar wind with only protons and electrons (we defer the inclusion of heavy ions to upcoming versions of the code), with a non-monotonic total ...

25. Heliospheric Tomography Model [HelTomo]
Heliospheric Tomography Model makes use of interplanetary scintillation (IPS) to tomographically reconstract the global structure of the solar wind. Model Input: Remote ...

26. MHD Model of Solar Corona. Model [MAS]
This is a model of the solar corona. Input at Photosphere: -Coronal base plasma temperature and density -Radial magnetic field Br from synoptic magnetogram ...

27. Open Geospace General Circulation Model [MagUCLA_GGCM]
The Open Geospace General Circulation Model (Open GGCM) was originally developed as a magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) model of Earth's magnetosphere at UCLA in the early 1990's by J. ...

28. University Partnering for Operational Support Radiation Belt UPOS RB Forecasting Model [UPOS]
Satellites in space are instrumental in providing surveillance, communication, and navigation capability. Geomagnetic disturbances, which are related to enhancements of MeV electron ...

29. Utah State University Global Assimilation of Ionospheric Measurements (USU-GAIM) Model [GAIM]
Physics-based data assimilation models of the ionosphere were developed at Utah State University as part of a DoD Multidisciplinary University Research Initiative (MURI) program. ...

30. Weimer Ionosphere Models [ION_WEIMER]
Weimer models are statistical electric potential models for the high-latitude ionosphere, developed by Daniel Weimer of Mission Research Corporation. Past satellite measurements ...

31. DOSECOMP: Analyzes Dose Responses for Two Populations Using the PROBIT Model and the Abbreviated Protocol [USGS_DOSECOMP]
DOSECOMP - Analyzes dose responses for two populations, using the PROBIT model and the abbreviated protocol . Data required are the number of responses ("deaths") and the sample size ("subjects") ...

32. ECOSEARCH - Ecosystem Management Software [USGS_ECOSRCH]
ECOSEARCH was developed as a first step to a testable, scientific basis for ecosystem management. ECOSEARCH uses a FORTRAN program to predict occurrence for >300 species of New England wildlife ...

33. CRiSP1 Passage, the Columbia River Salmon Passage Model [01-CRiSP1-00]
(Summary adapted from the CRiSP web pages) The Columbia River Salmon Passage (CRiSP) model is an interactive, multiple window program that helps managers of water, hydropower, ...

34. The Personal Greenhouse Gas Emissions Calculator [Greenhouse-Gas-Calculator-99]
The Climate Change Calculator is an interactive software tool designed to raise user's awareness of the greenhouse gases they produce through their daily activities and lifestyle choices. This ...

35. A two-constituent solute transport model for ground water having variable density [USGS_MOCDENSE]
The two-constituent solute transport model for ground water having variable density model simulates solute transport in flowing ground water. It is applicable to two-dimensional, cross-sectional ...

36. Chemical Modeling of Acid Waters [USGS_WATEQ4F]
WATEQ4F is a chemical speciation code for natural waters. It uses field measurements of temperature, pH, Eh, dissolved oxygen and alkalinity, and the chemical analysis of a water sample as ...

37. Conduit Flow Process for MODFLOW-2005 [USGS_CFP]
The conduit flow process for MODFLOW-2005 (CFP) has the ability to simulate turbulent or laminar ground-water flow conditions by: (1) coupling the traditional ground-water flow equation with ...

38. Coupled Ground-water and Surface-water FLOW model [USGS_GSFLOW]
GSFLOW is a coupled Ground-water and Surface-water FLOW model based on the integration of the U.S. Geological Survey Precipitation-Runoff Modeling System (PRMS, Leavesley and others, 1983) ...

39. MODFLOW - the Modular Three-Dimensional Finite-Difference Ground-Water Flow Model [modflow-99]
The modular finite-difference ground-water flow model (MODFLOW) developed by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) is a computer program for simulating common features in ground-water ...

40. SEAWAT: A Computer Program for Simulation of Three-Dimensional Variable-Density Ground-Water Flow [USGS_SEAWAT]
The SEAWAT program was developed to simulate three-dimensional, variable- density, transient ground-water flow in porous media. The source code for SEAWAT was developed by combining ...

41. Two-dimensional method-of-characteristics ground-water flow and transport model [USGS_MOC]
The Two-dimensional method-of-characteristics ground-water flow and transport model model simulates solute transport in flowing ground water. It is applicable to one- or two-dimensional problems ...

42. An Interactive Code For Modeling Net Geochemical Reactions Along a Flow Path [USGS_NETPATH]
NETPATH is an interactive Fortran 77 computer program used to interpret net geochemical mass-balance reactions between an initial and final water along a hydrologic flow path. Alternatively, ...

43. Branched Lagrangian Transport Model [USGS_BLTM]
The Branched Lagrangian Transport Model (BLTM) has received wide use within the U.S. Geological Survey over the past 10 years. This report documents the enhancements and modifications that ...

44. Full EQuations Model [USGS_FEQ]
The Full EQuations Model is a computer model for simulation of one-dimensional unsteady flow in open channels and through control structures. The structure of the program is designed to follow ...

45. The Joint Universal Parameter IdenTification and Evaluation of Reliability Application Programming Interface [USGS_JUPITER_API]
This report describes the capabilities and use of the JUPITER API--the Joint Universal Parameter IdenTification and Evaluation of Reliability Application Programming Interface. This API provides ...

46. Fok Ring Current Model (FRC) [RADIATION_BELT]
The Fok Ring Current Model (FRC) is a bounce-averaged kinetic model of the ring current. This model calculates the temporal and spatial variation of the phase space density of ring ...

47. Biodiversity Pro : Free Statistics Software for Ecology [NHML_Biopro]
BioDiversity Pro was designed and developed by Neil McAleece. This package was devised jointly by P.J.D. Lambshead and G.L.J. Paterson of the The Natural History Museum in London ...

48. Educational Global Climate Model (EdGCM) [EdGCM]
A free NASA global climate model is available for high school and university desktop computers. The Educational Global Climate Model (EdGCM), available for both Windows ...

49. Stand-Damage Model [USDA_FS_SDM]
The Stand-Damage Model simulates the growth of individual trees within forest stands. The user can change much about the forest and its environment: the location of the forest, its weather ...

50. GIS-FIA Model [fiamodel]
The GIS-FIA Model was developed by Michigan Technological University in cooperation with the North Central Forest Inventory and Analysis (FIA) research unit. The GIS-FIA Model is a geographic ...

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