For the nonclinician seeking to acquire an understanding of the challenges of HAART—or help a client deal with them—the three most important facts to understand are as follows: 1. HAART is not a one-pill, one-time treatment, but a life-long commitment. 2. HAART can be laden with side effects. 3. HAART has strict and unforgiving adherence requirements. All the HAART-related difficulties with which patients struggle descend from these three facts. If the first were not so—if HAART were a one-time treatment— facts two and three would not matter so much. However, because HAART is an ongoing, never-ending proposition, they matter a lot. Side effects from treatment can be mild, moderate, or severe. They can be occasional, frequent, or constant. In short, they vary according to innumerable factors. But almost universally, side effects can make people not want to take their medicine. For people on HAART, not taking one’s medicine can cause trouble to develop at lightning speed.