Command Sergeant Major Ray D. Lane entered the United States Army from West Palm Beach, Fla., in 1976, through the Delayed Entry Program. During a short break in service, he became the top graduate of the National Association of Home Builders. CSM Lane rejoined the Army in 1980.

Prior to becoming the Senior Enlisted Advisor (SEA) to the Director of the Defense Information Systems Agency / Commander, Joint Task Force-Global Network Operations, CSM Lane served as the Command Sergeant Major of the U.S. Army Communications-Electronics Command-Life Cycle Management Command and Fort Monmouth. He also served as the 160th Signal Brigade Command Sergeant Major, where he managed the health, welfare, and morale of signal-commercialization forces throughout Southwest Asia during Operations Iraqi Freedom 2 and 3.

CSM Lane served as the Senior Signal Enlisted Advisor for Operation Iraqi Freedom-1, Coalition Joint Task Force-Seven (CJTF-7), Task Force Signal, and the 22d Signal Brigade during V Corps’ decisive victory over the Iraqi Army.

Other key leadership assignments include Command Sergeant Major, 440th Signal Battalion; G6 Sergeant Major, 1st Armored Division; First Sergeant, Bravo Company, 141st Signal Battalion and Delta Company, 1st Battalion 46th Infantry Regiment; Communications Chief, Second Battalion, third Field Artillery Regiment; Chief Information Officer (S6) for the 12th Calvary Regiment; Senior Drill Sergeant, Platoon Sergeant, and Squad Leader.

Additionally, CSM Lane has served with the 1/31st Mechanized Infantry, 2/10th Towed Artillery, Jungle Operation Training Center, Jungle Warfare Branch, 2/51st Air Defense Artillery, 84th United States Army Field Artillery Detachment Lance (Nuclear), 69th Signal Battalion, and the 52nd Signal Battalion.

CSM Lane’s overseas assignments include five tours in the Federal Republic of Germany; a tour in Panama, Bosnia, Korea; and two tours in Kuwait and Iraq. His stateside assign­ments included Fort Riley, Kan.; Fort Benning, Ga.; and Fort Knox, Ky.; and most recently, Fort Monmouth, N.J.

CSM Lane was inducted into the prestigious Sergeant Morales Club in 1986, and later, the Sergeant Audie Murphy Club.  His most notable awards include the Legion of Merit (2nd award), Bronze Star (2nd award), Meritorious Service Medals (5th award), Army Commendation Medals (3rd award), Army Achievement Medals (6th award), the Afghanistan and Iraq Campaign Medals, Drill Sergeant Badge, both the Order of Mercury and Hon­orable Order of Saint Barbara Medals, Sergeant Morales and Sergeant Audie Murphy Medallions, the German Marksmanship Badge, and the Combat Action Badge and others.

He is the Honor Graduate of Advanced Individual Training, Basic Noncommissioned Officer’s Course, and the Advanced Noncommissioned Officer’s Course. He is a graduate of Class 48, United States Army Sergeants Major Academy, the Command Sergeants Major Course, Keystone National Defense University (Joint), Force Management Course, and the Master Fitness Course.

CSM Lane received an Associate of Arts degree from the University of Maryland, and a Bachelor of Business Administration from Mckendree College, with a minor in Computer Science. He also earned a Masters of Business Administration from Touro University International.