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2430 Titles Match Your Query
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1. Arctic Ocean Biodiversity [ArcOD]
The Arctic Ocean is unique on Earth in its physical and biological properties. It is the most extreme ocean in regard to the seasonality of light and its year-round existing ice cover. Current ...

2. Hydrologic Margins Research Project, 2004-2008, McMurdo Dry Valleys [B268_hydrol_margins_dvs_proj]
In this field research project, we investigated the soil hydrology, biogeochemistry, and microbial ecology along hydrologic gradients in soils adjacent to streams and lakes in Wright and Taylor ...

3. RICE (Radio Ice Cherenkov Experiment) raw and analyzed data [RICE-data]
Data collected with the RICE experiment over the last few years has been stored at two levels of analysis. First, the raw data are stored directly, also skimmed events which satisfy basic criteria ...

4. The National Institute of Invasive Species Science (NIISS) Global Organism Detection and Monitoring (GODM) System Data Set [USGS_BRD_FC_NIISS]
The National Institute of Invasive Species Science (NIISS) Global Organism detection and Monitoring (GODM) system data set is a global data set of invasive species occurrence records that focuses ...

5. WAIS Divide Biological Data from J. Priscu and C. Foreman, Montana State University [Paleo_Records_of_Biotic_and_Abiotic_Particles_in_Polar_Ice_Cores]
Data from J. Priscu and C. Foreman, Montana State University. WAIS Divide core (WDC05Q, Stick D). Ice core samples were decontaminated following (Christner et al., 2005 Icarus, 174: 572-584) and ...

6. Comprehensive Biological Study of Vostok Accretion Ice [NSF-ANT05-36870]
The large subglacial Lake Vostok in Antarctica is unique ecological site with a novel microbial biota. The temperatures, pressures and lack of light all select for organisms that may not exist ...

7. Data from the Scatterometer Climate Record Pathfinder [Scatt_Climate_Record_Pathfinder]
Enhanced resolution sigma-0 image data from various historic and present radar scatterometers along with derived products such as sea ice extent, sea ice motion, improved ambiguity selection, ...

8. Enhanced resolution Ku-band sigma-0 images of the earth 1996-1997 [NSCAT_sigma0_images]
This NASA Scatterometer (NSCAT) data set consists of enhanced resolution radar backscatter (sigma0) images of the Earth's surface. Images are ...

9. Hurricane Katrina Imagery from Louisiana State University Earth Scan Laboratory [LSU_ESL_KATRINA_IMAGERY]
The Louisiana State University Earth Scan Laboratory will continue to provide satellite imagery, analysis, and information as rapidly as possible of ...

10. NASA Scatterometer (NSCAT)-derived sea ice extent images 1996-1997 [NSCAT_sigma0_seaice]
This NASA Scatterometer (NSCAT) data set consists of enhanced resolution radar backscatter (sigma0) images of the Earth's polar regions which ...

11. Ice core profiles from lake ice in the McMurdo Dry Valleys [McM_DV_Ice__Cores]
The McM_DV_Ice_Cores data set includes profiles of biological and geochemical parameters measured on ice cores collected from the permanent ice covers in the McMurdo ...

12. Millennial Scale Fluctuations of Dry Valleys Lakes: Implications for Regional Climate Variability and the Interhemispheric (a)Synchrony of Climate Change [berger_0124049]
This Collaborative Research award supports a project headed by Dr. B. Hall to add to the understanding of what drives glacial cycles near the McMurdo Dry Valleys. Her project aimed to integrate ...

13. Otolith chemistry of Patagonian toothfish (Dissostichus eleginoides) and Antarctic toothfish (D. mawsoni) [toothfish_otolith_chemistry]
Minor and trace element chemistry measured along the edges and in the nuclei of otoliths sampled from Patagonian toothfish (Dissostichus eleginoides), taken from around South America and the ...

14. R/V Nathaniel B. Palmer NBP0507 - Collection of Marine Geophysical Data on Transits of the Nathaniel B. Palmer [NBP0507]   PARENT DIF
The NSF-supported research icebreaker Nathaniel B. Palmer operates year-round in support of the U.S. Antarctic Program, carrying out global change studies in biological, oceanographic, geological, ...

15. Dynamics of Ice Streams: A Physical Statistical Approach [Cressie_0229292]
Ice streams are believed to play a major role in determining the response of their parent ice sheet to climate change, and in determining global sea level by serving ...

16. Kwajalein Experiment (KWAJEX) Data from the University of Washington [UWA_KWAJEX]
The Kwajalein Experiment (KWAJEX), held 23 July - 15 September 1999, was a field observation campaign centered on Kwajalein Atoll, Marshall Islands and sponsored ...

17. TOGA COARE Summaries Prepared by the Mesoscale Group, Department of Atmospheric Sciences, University of Washington, Seattle, Washington [UWA_TOGA]
The Tropical Ocean Global Atmosphere Coupled Ocean Atmosphere Response Experiment (TOGA COARE) was a large international field experiment conducted in 1992-1993 ...

18. Understanding the Boundary Conditions of the Lake Vostok Environment: A Site Survey for Future Work [LVS]   CHILD DIFs
Abstract This project with funding provided by the Office of Polar Programs under the Life in Extreme Environments (LExEn) Program, includes a geophysical ...

19. Guana Tolomato Matanzas (GTM) National Estuarine Research Reserve Meteorological Metadata January - December 2004 Latest Update: April 13, 2005 [CDMO_gtmmet01-12.04m]   PARENT DIF
Meteorological monitoring is conducted at 26 National Estuarine Research Reserves (NERR) from at least one location within or adjacent to the reserve. Data are collected every 5 seconds and ...

20. Guana Tolomato Matanzas (GTM) National Estuarine Research Reserve Meteorological Metadata September - December 2002 Latest Update: November 2, 2004 [CDMO_gtmmet09-12.02m]   PARENT DIF
Meteorological monitoring is conducted at 26 National Estuarine Research Reserves (NERR) from at least one location within or adjacent to the reserve. Data are collected every 5 seconds and ...

21. Guana Tolomato Matanzas (GTM) National Estuarine Research Reserve Nutrient Metadata Report January - December 2003 Latest Update: December 15, 2004 [CDMO_gtmnut01-12.03m]   PARENT DIF
ABSTRACT: Nutrient monitoring is conducted at 26 National Estuarine Research Reserves (NERR) from four locations within or adjacent to the reserve on a monthly basis of the following parameters: ...

22. Guana Tolomato Matanzas (GTM) National Estuarine Research Reserve Nutrient Metadata Report January - December 2004 Latest Update: August 29, 2005 [CDMO_gtmnut01-12.04m]   PARENT DIF
Nutrient monitoring is conducted at 26 National Estuarine Research Reserves (NERR) from four locations within or adjacent to the reserve on a monthly basis of the following parameters: orthophosphate, ...

23. Measurements of oceanic organosulfur compounds and oceanic halocarbons made during the WOCE S03 research cruise as part of WOCE project in the Southern Ocean during Dec 1994-Feb 1995 [SOLAS_WOCES03]   PARENT DIF
This metadata entry refers to measurements of oceanic organosulfur compounds (DMS + DMSP) and oceanic halocarbons (CFC) made during the WOCE S03 research cruise in the Southern Ocean as part ...

24. Mg isotopes in Dry Valley soils and sediments water extracts [UW_Mg_Isotope_DV]
Mg isotopes in water extracts of Dry Valley soils and sediments.

25. Microclimate and soil climate data in Dry Valleys [UW_Dry_Valley_Datalogging]
The data set contains microclimate and soil temperature data at 5 sites in the MCM Dry Valleys.

26. R/V Nathaniel B. Palmer NBP0304 - Late Cretaceous and Cenozoic Reconstructions of the Southwest Pacific [NBP0304]   PARENT DIF
The NSF-supported research icebreaker Nathaniel B. Palmer operates year-round in support of the U.S. Antarctic Program, carrying out global change studies in biological, oceanographic, geological, ...

27. Search coil Magnetometer Data from South Pole and McMurdo, Antarctica and Two Sites Conjugate to the South Pole [US_JCADM_MAG_SP]
Search coil magnetometer data are primarily used to study waves and transient variations in Earth's magnetic field in the ULF (Ultra-Low-Frequency) range, from ~0.001 Hz to 5 Hz. Naturally-observed ...

28. Great Bay (GRB) NERR Site Metadata Form (April-November 1996) Latest update: Aug. 10, 1998 [CDMO_grbwq04-11.96m]   PARENT DIF
Water quality monitoring is conducted at 26 National Estuarine Research Reserves (NERR) at four locations within or adjacent to the reserve. The following parameters are collected at least ...

29. Great Bay (GRB) NERR Site Water Quality Metadata Form (April-Nov. 1997) Latest update: August 23, 2001 [CDMO_grbwq04-11.97m]   PARENT DIF
Water quality monitoring is conducted at 26 National Estuarine Research Reserves (NERR) at four locations within or adjacent to the reserve. The following parameters are collected at least ...

30. Great Bay (GRB) NERR Water Quality Metadata (April-December 2001) Latest update: July 17, 2002 [CDMO_grbwq04-12.01m]   PARENT DIF
Water quality monitoring is conducted at 26 National Estuarine Research Reserves (NERR) at four locations within or adjacent to the reserve. The following parameters are collected at least ...

31. Great Bay (GRB) NERR Water Quality Metadata (April-December 2002) Latest update: September 15, 2003 [CDMO_grbwq04-12.02m]   PARENT DIF
Water quality monitoring is conducted at 26 National Estuarine Research Reserves (NERR) at four locations within or adjacent to the reserve. The following parameters are collected at least ...

32. Great Bay (GRB) NERR Water Quality Metadata (April-Nov. 1998) Latest update: February 28, 2000 [CDMO_grbwq04-11.98m]   PARENT DIF
Water quality monitoring is conducted at 26 National Estuarine Research Reserves (NERR) at four locations within or adjacent to the reserve. The following parameters are collected at least ...

33. Great Bay (GRB) NERR Water Quality Metadata (April-Nov. 1999) Latest update: October 10, 2000 [CDMO_grbwq04-11.99m]   PARENT DIF
Water quality monitoring is conducted at 26 National Estuarine Research Reserves (NERR) at four locations within or adjacent to the reserve. The following parameters are collected at least ...

34. Great Bay (GRB) NERR Water Quality Metadata (April-November 2000) Latest update: October 15, 2001 [CDMO_grbwq04-11.00m]   PARENT DIF
Water quality monitoring is conducted at 26 National Estuarine Research Reserves (NERR) at four locations within or adjacent to the reserve. The following parameters are collected at least ...

35. Great Bay (GRB) NERR Water Quality Metadata (April-November 2003) Latest update: April 5, 2004 [CDMO_grbwq04-11.03m]   PARENT DIF
Water quality monitoring is conducted at 26 National Estuarine Research Reserves (NERR) at four locations within or adjacent to the reserve. The following parameters are collected at least ...

36. Great Bay (GRB) NERR Water Quality Metadata Form (July-Dec. 1995 ) Revised 06/13/00 [CDMO_grbwq06-11.95m]   PARENT DIF
Water quality monitoring is conducted at 26 National Estuarine Research Reserves (NERR) at four locations within or adjacent to the reserve. The following parameters are collected at least ...

37. Great Bay (GRB) National Estuarine Research Reserve Meteorological Metadata July - December 2001 Latest Update: September 3, 2004 [CDMO_grbmet07-12.01m]   PARENT DIF
Meteorological monitoring is conducted at 26 National Estuarine Research Reserves (NERR) from at least one location within or adjacent to the reserve. Data are collected every 5 seconds and ...

38. Great Bay Estuary (GRB) NERR Nutrient Metadata April 2002 through November 2002 [Updated February 11, 2005] [CDMO_grbnut04-11.02m]   PARENT DIF
Nutrient monitoring is conducted at 26 National Estuarine Research Reserves (NERR) from four locations within or adjacent to the reserve on a monthly basis of the following parameters: orthophosphate, ...

39. Great Bay Estuary (GRB) NERR Nutrient Metadata April 2003 through November 2003 [Updated February 11, 2005] [CDMO_grbnut04-11.03m]   PARENT DIF
Nutrient monitoring is conducted at 26 National Estuarine Research Reserves (NERR) from four locations within or adjacent to the reserve on a monthly basis of the following parameters: orthophosphate, ...

40. Great Bay Estuary (GRB) NERR Nutrient Metadata April 2004 through December 2004 Latest Update: Dec. 14, 2005 [CDMO_grbnut04-12.04m]   PARENT DIF
Nutrient monitoring is conducted at 26 National Estuarine Research Reserves (NERR) from four locations within or adjacent to the reserve on a monthly basis of the following parameters: orthophosphate, ...

41. Great Bay Research Reserve (GRB) NERR Meteorological Metadata January - December 2003 Latest Update: September 3, 2004 [CDMO_grbmet01-12.03m]   PARENT DIF
Meteorological monitoring is conducted at 26 National Estuarine Research Reserves (NERR) from at least one location within or adjacent to the reserve. Data are collected every 5 seconds and ...

42. Great Bay Research Reserve (GRB) NERR Meteorological Metadata January - December 2004 Latest Update: July 14, 2005 [CDMO_grbmet01-12.04m]   PARENT DIF
Meteorological monitoring is conducted at 26 National Estuarine Research Reserves (NERR) from at least one location within or adjacent to the reserve. Data are collected every 5 seconds and ...

43. Guana Tolomato Matanzas (GTM) National Estuarine Research Reserve Meteorological Metadata January - December 2003 Latest Update: November 2, 2004 [CDMO_gtmmet01-12.03m]   PARENT DIF
Meteorological monitoring is conducted at 26 National Estuarine Research Reserves (NERR) from at least one location within or adjacent to the reserve. Data are collected every 5 seconds and ...

44. Impact of atmospheric dust-derived material and nutrient inputs on near-surface plankton microbiota in the tropical North Atlantic [SOLAS_POSEIDON332]   PARENT DIF
This project is investigating how much of the nutrients nitrogen, phosphorus and iron are delivered to the ocean through atmospheric dust and how much of this material is available to the near ...

45. Measurements of atmospheric aerosols measured made during the RV Poseidon 332 research cruise in the Cape Verde Island region during January and February 2006 [SOLAS_POSEIDON332_AEROSOL_DUST]   PARENT DIF
This metadata entry refers to measurements of atmospheric aerosols made by Manuel Dall Osto, University of Birmingham (as part of DODO), and Claire Powell, University of East Anglia (Advisor: ...

46. Measurements of atmospheric and oceanic halocarbon compounds and oceanic carbon dioxide made during the Discovery 233 research cruise in the Atlantic ocean, April-June 1998 [SOLAS_D233]   PARENT DIF
This metadata entry refers to measurements of atmospheric and oceanic halocarbons made by Claudia Dimmer, Cristina Peckett, Iris Soler-Aristegui and Denise Smythe-Wright; and oceanic ...

47. Measurements of oceanic and atmospheric carbon dioxide and aerosols made during the WOCE A10 research cruise as part of WOCE project in the Atlantic Ocean during Oct 1992 to Jan 1993 [SOLAS_WOCEA10]   PARENT DIF
This metadata entry refers to measurements of oceanic and atnospheric carbon dioxide made by H. Johannsen, K. Johnson, U. Karbach, A. Korves, L. Mintrop, A. Morak, J. Morlany and B. Schnieder; ...

48. Measurements of oceanic carbon dioxide and oceanic halocarbons made during the WOCE L07N research cruise as part of WOCE project in the North Pacific Ocean during Jul-Aug 1995 [SOLAS_WOCEL07N]   PARENT DIF
This metadata entry refers to measurements of oceanic carbon dioxide made by Charles Keeling, C. Winn, Rolf Schottle, Angela Adams, Jennifer Phillips, Kelly Angley; and oceanic ...

49. Measurements of oceanic halocarbons and carbon dioxide made during the D207 research cruise as part of WOCE project in Southern Ocean during February-March 1994 [SOLAS_D207]   PARENT DIF
This metadata entry refers to measurements of oceanic halocarbon compounds made by Thomas Haine and oceanic PCO2 and TCO2 made by J Robertson during the D207 research cruise in the Southern ...

50. Measurements of oceanic methane, oceanic carbon dioxide and oceanic organosulfur compounds made during the Challenger 62 research cruise during October 1989 [SOLAS_CH62]   PARENT DIF
This metadata entry refers to measurements of oceanic methane and oceanic pCO2 made by Andy Watson; and DMS and DMSP compounds made by Gillian Malin during the Challenger 62 research ...

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