Air Force Magazine

Daily Report

This Month in Air Force Magazine

     Editorial: Conventional Un-Wisdom
     The All-Seeing Air Force
     Weapons School Rising
     The Wynne Outbrief
     Airpower Classics: TBF/M Avenger
     ...and more inside.

The President's Corner
     Note from AFA President -- Why Numbers Matter, Part 2
September 2, 2008 -- AFA Members, Congressional Staffers, Civic Leaders, and DOCA members - what follows below is part two of why the US needs to buy aircraft in sufficient numbers to handle the missions it assigns its armed forces.....More...

     Note from AFA President -- Why Numbers Matter
August 29, 2008 -- AFA Members, Congressional Staffers, Civic Leaders, and DOCA Members, below is a short tutorial on how air campaign planners look at the problem of building strike packages and putting the right set of weapons on the right targets. The first thing I want you to notice is - in the real world, not every aircraft possessed is mission ready.....More...

     Note from AFA President -- Georgia, Quotes Part 2, and CSAF Priorities
August 15, 2008 -- AFA Members, Congressional Staffers, Civic Leaders, and DOCA Members, most of you know about the war between Russia and Georgia over Abkhazia and South Ossetia. [So much for the end of State vs State warfare.] What you may not know.....More...


Previous Notes from the President

Latest from AFA

AFA States Concern about Tanker Delay
September 10, 2008 -- Arlington, VA – The Air Force Association (AFA) today released the following statement regarding the announced delay of the acquisition of a new tanker for the U.S. Air Force...More...


Air Force Association presents national awards at 2008 CAP National Conference ceremony
August 29, 2008 -- CAP National Headquarters -- The Air Force Association, in its continuing efforts to expand and enhance Civil Air Patrol’s Aerospace Education program, recognized the outstanding achievements...More...


AFA Awards the 2008 Capt. Jodi Callahan Memorial Graduate Scholarship to Intelligence Officer
August 28, 2008 -- Arlington, VA – The Air Force Association (AFA) today announced the selection of Air Force Captain Christopher E. Diehl for the 2008 Captain Jodi Callahan Memorial Graduate Scholarship....More...


AFA Salutes 2008 Outstanding Airmen of the Year
August 18, 2008 – The Air Force Association today saluted the 2008 Outstanding Airmen of the Year.

Each year, AFA salutes 12 outstanding enlisted personnel for superior leadership, job performance, community involvement, and personal achievements......More...

Legislative Update
Page last updated: Thursday, September 11, 2008 8:22:54 AM

USAF 60th Anniversary Video
Previous Reports

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