Best Practices & Resources

High Standards That Work

Citizen Market Research and Insights


Trends in Customer Satisfaction

USA Services believes that you can’t improve what you don’t measure.  Measuring and improving customer satisfaction is key to any program’s success, so USA Services studies best practices in the government and private sector. 

It's Been a Gloomy Decade for Contact Centers

May 22, 2008 | Christopher Musico ,

A recent study finds that quality of service has deteriorated over the last 10 years -- and contact centers are finding it harder than ever to keep agents in the seats.

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Early Adopters: Why People First Went Online --and Why They Stayed

February 21, /2008 | Amy Tracy Wells - Pew Internet and the American Life Project

Pew Internet and the American Life Project's canvassing of longtime internet users shows that the things that first brought them online are still going strong on the internet today. Then, it was bulletin boards; now, it's social networking sites. Then, it was the adventure of exploring the new cyberworld; now, it's upgrading to broadband and wireless connections to explore even more aggressively. Yet there are changes in their activities and motives. In the early days, most internet users consumed material from websites. These days they are just as likely to produce material. One common refrain is that they think more change lies ahead and they are eager to watch and participate.

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Customer Satisfaction Measurement Best Practices Study

January 2007 | Pacific Consulting Group (PCG) under contract to USA Services

As part of its mission to help agencies across the federal government improve service to citizens, USA Services contracted with PCG to 1) identify best practices for measuring customer satisfaction that are already in use in the private and public sectors and 2) recommend to USA Services collection techniques, tools and metric types, either existing or new, that agencies should use to accurately measure customer satisfaction at points of interaction with customers of the federal government, especially though not exclusively, for government contact/call centers and web sites.  
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