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Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System
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Federal Reserve Board of Governors

Banking and Consumer Regulatory Policy

Rules, amendments, requests for comment, guidance and reports, announcements, and updates of reserve calculations and deposit reporting
  • September 15, 2008
    Federal banking agencies evaluating FASB's accounting proposals
  • September 15, 2008
    Request for comment on draft interagency proposed rule to permit a banking organization to reduce the amount of its goodwill deduction from tier 1 capital by any associated deferred tax liability
  • September 8, 2008
    Restructuring of the check processing operations in the Sixth District, Regulation CC
  • September 7, 2008
    Federal banking agencies issue joint release on Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac
  • September 5, 2008
    Board issues joint supervisory and consumer affairs letter encouraging banking organizations to work with customers affected by Hurricane Gustav or any subsequent storms
  • August 29, 2008
    Board releases Small Entity Compliance Guide for Regulation R
  • August 11, 2008
    Restructuring of the check processing operations in the Fourth District, Regulation CC
  • August 5, 2008
    Annual adjustment of fee-based trigger for additional mortgage loan disclosures
  • July 15, 2008
    Restructuring of the check processing operations in the First and Third Districts, Regulation CC
  • July 15, 2008
    Agencies issue final guidance on supervisory review process (Pillar 2) related to implementation of Basel II advanced approaches rule
  • July 14, 2008
    Board issues final rule amending home mortgage provisions of Regulation Z (Truth in Lending)
  • July 8, 2008
    Agencies issue statement on Basel II advanced approaches qualification process
  • July 7, 2008
    Federal Reserve and SEC issue memorandum of understanding to deepen information sharing and cooperation
  • June 26, 2008
    Board proposes rule to implement certain approaches for calculating risk-based capital requirements included in Basel II capital accord
  • June 26, 2008
    Banking agencies issue host state loan-to-deposit ratios
  • May 30, 2008
    Agencies release list of distressed or underserved nonmetropolitan middle-income geographies
  • May 22, 2008
    Federal financial regulators issue final illustrations of consumer information for hybrid adjustable-rate mortgage products
  • May 13, 2008
    Restructuring of the check processing operations in the Sixth and Eighth Districts, Regulation CC
  • May 8, 2008
    Agencies issue proposed rules on risk-based pricing notices
  • May 2, 2008
    Federal Reserve proposes rules to prohibit unfair practices regarding credit cards and overdraft services
  • March 21, 2008
    Agencies release proposed revisions to interagency questions and answers regarding flood insurance
  • March 3, 2008
    Federal Reserve Board encourages institutions to report on loan modification efforts in consistent way
  • February 12, 2008
    Restructuring of the check processing operations in the Tenth and Eleventh Districts, Regulation CC
  • February 7, 2008
    Request for comment on proposed changes to Regulations D and I to incorporate provisions of the Financial Services Regulatory Relief Act of 2006
  • January 2, 2008
    Restructuring of the check processing operations of the Federal Reserve Banks of New York, Philadelphia, and Cleveland, Regulation CC

2008 Press Releases:

Last update: September 15, 2008