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2007 Level I Scientific and Technological Achievement Awards (STAA) Awarded Nominations

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Level I awards are for those who have accomplished an exceptionally high-quality research or technological effort. The awards recognize the creation or general revision of scientific or technological principle or procedure, or a highly significant improvement in the value of a device, activity, program, or service to the public. Awarded research is of national significance or has high impact on a broad area of science/technology. The research has far reaching consequences and is recognizable as a major scientific/technological achievement within its discipline or field of study.

Scientist at microscope  Students participating in science open house  Plant research  Field sampling  Laboratory research

Nominations Recommended for a Level I Award ($5000) -- Total of Five
Nom. # Titles and Citations of Submitted Paper Eligible Authors* and Nominating Organization Ineligible Authors and Organization Citation
S7EF0010 Improving National Air Quality Forecasts with Satellite Aerosol Observations
Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 86(9):1249-1261 (2005)
[Abstract | Full Text PDF exit EPA]
James Szykman (25%) - NERL
Lewis Weinstock (16%) - OAR, RTP
Richard Wayland (5%) - OAR, RTP
Fred Dimmick (5%) - NERL

NERL, Research Triangle Park, NC
Jassim Al-Saadi (25%) - NASA Langley Research Center
R. Bradley Pierce (5%) - NASA Langley Research Center
Chieko Kittaka (5%) - NASA Langley Research Center
Doreen Neil (2%) - NASA Langley Research Center
D. Allen Chu (2%) - NASA Goodard Space Flight Center
Lorraine Remer (2%) - NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
Liam Gumley (2%) - University of Wisconsin-Madison
Elaine Prins (2%) - University of Wisconsin-Madison
Clinton MacDonald (2%) - Sonoma Technology, Inc.
Jack Fishman (2%) - NASA Langley Research Center
Developing an Operational Fine Particulate Matter (PM2.5) Air Quality Index Forecast Tool to Improve Public Awareness
S7HE0048 (1) Toxicokinetics of BDE 47 in Female Mice: Effect of Dose, Route of Exposure, and Time
Toxicological Sciences, 83(2):215-223 (2005)
[Abstract | Full Text exit EPA]
(2) Impact of Repeated Exposure on the Toxicokinetics of BDE 47 in Mice Toxicological Sciences, 89(2):380-385 (2006)
[Abstract | Full Text exit EPA]
(3) Disposition of BDE 47 in Developing Mice
Toxicological Sciences, 90(2):309-316 (2006)
[Abstract | Full Text exit EPA]
Linda S. Birnbaum (30%)
Janet J. Diliberto (25%)
Michael J. DeVito (5%)

NHEERL, Research Triangle Park, NC
Daniele S. Staskal (40%) - ChemRisk, Inc. Pharmacokinetics of Polybrominated Diphenyl Ether (PBDE) 47 in Mice
S7HE0053 (1) Continuous Weeklong Measurements of Personal Exposures and Indoor Concentrations of Fine Particles for 37 Health-Impaired North Carolina Residents for Up to Four Seasons
Atmospheric Environment, 40:399-414 (2006)
[Abstract | Full Text PDF exit EPA]
(2) Use of Personal-Indoor-Outdoor Sulfur Concentrations to Estimate the Infiltration Factor and Outdoor Exposure Factor for Individual Homes and Persons
Environmental Science and Technology, 39(6):1707-1714 (2005)
[Abstract exit EPA]
(3) Validation of a Method for Estimating Long-Term Exposures Based on Short-Term Measurements
Risk Analysis, 25(3):687-694 (2005)
[Abstract ]
Lance Wallace (35%)
Ron Williams (35%)
Anne Rea (15%)
Carry Croghan (15%)

NERL, Research Triangle Park, NC
  Demonstrating How Activity Patterns and Environmental Factors Impact Human Exposures to Ambient Particulate Matter
S7RA0140 Hydrological Connectivity between Headwater Streams and Downstream Waters: How Science Can Inform Policy
Journal of the American Water Resources Association, 43(1):118-133 (2007)
[Abstract exit EPA]
Tracie-Lynn Nadeau (60%)

OWOW, Washington, DC
Mark C. Rains (40%) - University of South Florida Advancing the Scientific Understanding of the Contributions of Headwater Streams to the Integrity of Downstream Waters
S7TF0132 Groundwater N Speciation and Redox Control of Organic N Mineralization by O2 Reduction to H2O2
Geochimica Et Cosmochimica Acta (GCA), 70:3533-3548 (2006)
[Abstract | Full Text PDF exit EPA]
John W. Washington (80%)
Robert C. Thomas (5%)

NERL, Athens, GA
Dinku M. Endale (5%) - USDA Agriculture Research Service
Katherine L. Schroer (5%) - University of Georgia
Lidia P. Samarkina (5%) - Senior Services America, Inc.
Elucidating Basic Controls on Transformations of Aquatic N(org), Essential Knowledge for Addressing Eutrophication
Key to Acronyms used in the above Table
OA Office of the Administrator
NERL National Exposure Research Laboratory
NHEERL National Health and Environmental Effects Laboratory
NRMRL National Risk Management Research Laboratory
OAQPS Office of Air Quality Planning and Standards
OPP Office of Pesticide Programs
ORIA Office of Radiation and Indoor Air
OSCP Office of Science Coordination and Policy
OSW Office of Solid Waste
*Note: The percentages given after name represent the current percent of the total level of effort as documented in the EPA nomination. 

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