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Basic Internet FAQ for the Medical Librarian
Part I, General Internet Information

Greg Bodin
former Technology Coordinator, NN/LM South Central Region, Houston, TX

This FAQ sheet (Frequently Asked Questions) is designed for the Medical Librarian with little or no experience with the Internet.

1. What is the Internet?

The Internet is a network of computer networks. A network consists of two or more computers that are interconnected physically and capable of communicating and sharing data with each other. The Internet is a collection of these individual networks.

2. How did the Internet start?

The Internet started in 1969 when the U.S. Department of Defense created ARPANET, a network connecting four universities and their computer networks. More universities were added over the years. In 1985 the National Science Foundation established a network of supercomputing centers and several regional networks connected to the "super centers." These events formed the backbone of today’s Internet.

3. What does the Internet provide?

The Internet provides access to data, text, sound, graphics, software and communication.

4. How does the Internet provide these things?

There are several different methods for moving information across the Internet. These include hypertext (WWW), remote login (telnet), file transfer (ftp), and electronic mail (email). All of these technologies are simply ways to get information from one computer to another via the Internet.

5. What is a protocol?

In order for different types of computers on the Internet network to understand each other, all computers must follow a set of rules called a protocol in order to communicate with each other.

6. What protocol does the Internet use?

Computers on the Internet use the TCP/IP protocol to communicate with each other.

7. What does TCP/IP stand for?

TCP/IP stands for Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol.

8. How does TCP/IP work?

TCP/IP works like mailing a letter. There are two components. IP places the data in an "envelope" and addresses it, similar to putting a letter in an envelope. It also enables the network to read the envelope’s address and forward the data to its destination. TCP breaks up the envelope into data "packets" that the network can handle. TCP verifies that all packets arrive at their destination and reassembles the packets for the recipient to use.

9. What is Internet addressing?

All information communicated over the Internet requires an address, just like a letter mailed at a post office. Internet addressing is a systematic way to identify people, computers and Internet resources. An example would be an email address ( or a web address ( There are two main parts to Internet addressing, the IP address and the domain name.

10. What is an IP address?

For a computer to use TCP/IP to communicate information to another computer, you need to know the other computer’s address. An IP address is a specific address for a specific computer on a specific network. This number tells TCP/IP exactly where the information "packet" should be sent. IP addresses are unique—no two computers can have the same address.

11. What does an IP address look like?

An IP address consists of four sections separated by periods. Each section contains a number between 0 and 255. An example would be:

12. What is a domain name?

A domain name is another way to identify computers on the Internet. A domain name corresponds to a specific IP address. Internet users only have to remember the domain name, rather than the numerical IP address. Each domain name corresponds to a specific IP address.

13. What does a domain name look like?

A domain name consists of two or more sections separated by periods called "dots." Some examples of domain names include:,, and

14. How are domain names organized?

All domain names contain a top-level designation which describes the type of organization.

COM—commercial entity

EDU—colleges and universities

NET—Internet organizations such as Internet Service Providers

ORG—miscellaneous groups such as non-profit organizations

GOV—United States Government

MIL—United States Military

The rest of the address may contain the name of the organization or company, location, or other information. Example:

15. How do you connect to the Internet?

There are two main ways to connect to the Internet: 1) Direct Network Connection 2) Internet Service Provider.

16. What is a direct network connection?

A direct network connection is generally the fastest way to connect to the Internet. With a direct connection the user’s computer is part of a network which is physically connected to the Internet. This is usually the fastest method of connecting to the Internet and it is usually the most expensive. No modem is necessary with direct connections, but generally special hardware such as a network interface card (NIC) must be installed in the computer in order to connect in this manner. Direct network connections are generally found in large organizations which can afford the considerable amount of hardware and software required to maintain a direct Internet connection.

17. What is an Internet Service Provider?

An Internet Service Provider or ISP is a company that provides access to the Internet for a fee. Their customers can be businesses, individuals, or organizations. ISPs provide access to the Internet via several methods, including standard phone lines, high-speed DSL lines, cable lines, and satellite transmission.

18. How do Internet Service Providers work?

ISPs offer different types of connections. Two of the most common are dial-up shell accounts and SLIP/PPP accounts.

19. What is a dial-up shell account?

With a dial-up shell account, no special software is required other than modem communications software. The user dials the modem to connect with the ISP’s computer. The ISP then allows the user to "piggy-back" onto their computer, allowing the user to connect to the Internet through the ISPs computer. Commands are sent to the ISP’s computer and data is sent back to the user’s computer.

20. What is a SLIP/PPP account?

SLIP/PPP stands for Serial Line Internet Protocol/Point to Point Protocol. With this type of access the user’s computer becomes a temporary "Internet terminal." The user dials the modem to connect with the ISP. SLIP/PPP software loaded on the computer requests an Internet connection from the ISP. Once the connection is made, the ISP designates the user’s computer as a terminal, i.e. one of the ISP’s Internet access computers. The TCP/IP software on the user’s computer takes over and the user’s computer becomes an Internet terminal. This allows the user to access the Internet directly over the phone line.

21. What about broadband access?

Many Internet Service Providers now offer high-speed access to the Internet via several methods. DSL lines are standard phone lines that are specially configured to allow much larger amounts of data to be transmitted. Because more data is able to be transmitted, Internet connection speeds are much faster than a regular phone line. Cable companies are able to use existing residential cable lines for transmitting data. Cable, like DSL, allows much larger amounts of data to be transmitted than regular phone lines, allowing for a much high Internet connection speed. Both cable and DSL require a special modem to function.