IMAGEJ archives -- August 2008

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IMAGEJ archives – August 2008

Table of contents:

  1. "Set Threshold" records incorrect values - 16bit images - Ubuntu

  2. 2D FFT of HCP lattice -- Inconsistency with line plot?

  3. ? binned histogram error

  4. a java question

  5. Access 3D positions from ROI Manager

  6. Adaptive/dynamic threshold plugins?

  7. Amazing video processing

  8. Antwort: Re: camera control?

  9. Auto Twain

  10. Auto-update macros from local server?

  11. bar graphs

  12. batch mode for folder and subfolder

  13. batch mode generates macro failure

  14. camera control?

  15. Capturing Plugin for 3d scanner package

  16. Card Capture

  17. Cell Counter plugin

  18. Cell Counter plugin with a modification?

  19. center of mass

  20. colocalization

  21. colocalization - three channels

  22. Color particle analyzer with manual setting -- ShapeLogic 1.3 plugin

  23. Color scale bar and result window

  24. Colorbar?

  25. Create composite rgb image from 2 ImagePlus objects

  26. creating macros, calling plugins...

  27. Denoising for confocal images

  28. Developer Papers

  29. display fsl nifti *.nii DTI vector file in full color?

  30. Dynamically create a convolution matrix inside a macro?

  31. eSlide CivilCapture

  32. Excluding black (255) from an image

  33. Exporting TIF as Z/T labelled stack

  34. file format question

  35. fundamental ImageProcessor/ImagePlus misunderstanding

  36. Gaussian downsampling with ImageJ on-board tools

  37. get current image filename/directory for macros

  38. Having problem in ImageJ

  39. Help needed in doing image analysis

  40. Help with particle analysis filter

  41. how do I construct a CurveFitter in a macro for subsequent call?

  42. How to calculate the flow rate from a MRI sequence?

  43. How to make a kymograph?

  44. IDE and plugin development

  45. IJ.doCommand(???) and ThresholdAdjuster

  46. Image

  47. ImageJ (or Java) doesn't let go of a file

  48. ImageJ 1.41

  49. ImageJ cannot open compressed DICOM

  50. IMAGEJ Digest - 23 Aug 2008 to 24 Aug 2008 (#2008-229)

  51. ImageJ on ACER Aspire One

  52. ImageJ opens first frame in lossless compressed Metamorph .stk files only

  53. ImageJ Plugins for Signed jar

  54. ImageJ programming basics: a tutorial

  55. imagej support in netbeans

  56. Integrated Density?

  57. integrating Tudor_DICOM_Pli

  58. Integreated Density

  59. invitation to an imaging workflow survey

  60. Java or ImageJ? I can't drag-n-drop a file onto imageJ in Vista 64

  61. LIF - color and zoom questions

  62. Linking ImageJ with a JPEG2000 virtual slide viewer

  63. Linux install problem under Linux fedora 8

  64. Macro to analyze periphery rectangular areas of rotated rectangles

  65. making a "cross section"

  66. Measuring changes in object size over time

  67. Minimisation method in Java?

  68. new plugin release: bUnwarpJ 2.0

  69. Object-Image successor

  70. Open Next shortcut?

  71. Output work array to stack

  72. Pasting content from PolygonRoi to a new Image

  73. PCA plugin

  74. plot profile in a stack

  75. Plugin update: Parallel Spectral and Iterative Deconvolution

  76. plugins for flat field correction

  77. Problem in using Image as Parameter in Applet

  78. Problem in using Image as Parameter in Applet for DICOM Images

  79. Problem using ImageJ

  80. reading 4DCT with ImageJ

  81. Reg analysis of array

  82. resize window

  83. returning results of plugins within macros

  84. ROI type and ROI Manager

  85. Save XY Coordinates... - override background colour selection

  86. SecurityException

  87. Soft brushes and Inverse FFT with Photoshop files.

  88. Solved Re: Java or ImageJ? I can't drag-n-drop a file onto imageJ in Vista 64

  89. Sphere fitting

  90. starting

  91. Summing areas within larger areas

  92. threshold questions

  93. Transform stack using eigenvectors

  94. Unable to load applet from hhtps

  95. unable to select windows if they have the same name

  96. use the getDirectory command for DM3 images

  97. user specific preferences for windows

  98. using GenericDialog and the toolbar at the same time

  99. WMV format?
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