IMAGEJ archives -- May 2008

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IMAGEJ archives – May 2008

Table of contents:

  1. 16-bit FITS - automatic conversion?

  2. 3D Reconstruction Web Tutorial Tomorrow

  3. 6th Annual Short Course on Computer-Assisted Image Analysis

  4. : Problem with Automatic upgrade

  5. <No subject>

  6. ??fht.swapQuadrant

  7. A Flowchart of Analysis Technique

  8. adding arrows in ImageJ

  9. Adjusting contrast levels for a batch of TIFF files

  10. Advanced Dialog boxes

  11. Anaglyph Macro Speedup

  12. Antwort: FFT and line profile

  13. Antwort: free memory

  14. Antwort: Problem passing options to my plugin from macros

  15. Antwort: Re: Antwort: Problem passing options to my plugin from macros

  16. Antwort: Re: Antwort: Re: macro dialog interface

  17. Antwort: Re: Image processing

  18. Antwort: Re: Image Processing Question

  19. Antwort: Re: macro dialog interface

  20. Antwort: Saving little-endian 16 bit TIFF / "save-string-to-file" macro command

  21. Antwort: shortcut for macro

  22. Antwort: Tiff image rotation problems

  23. Antwort: Writing to file - Matlab

  24. Aquacosmos files

  25. Auto Contrast with non-rectangular selection after inversion

  26. AW: Making manual linear measurements

  27. Balasan: Re Colocalization / colocalisation analysis course material links

  28. batch combining of stack images

  29. batch_converter plugin error

  30. Biggest object measure

  31. Bug in roiManager("Add")

  32. Changing the nmber of lines in the ResulsTable class

  33. Chose only specific file on a folder

  34. CLAHE for ImageJ?

  35. closing the Exception window

  36. Collate PlotWindows into a stack

  37. Correction: Microscopy web tutorials coming up next week

  38. custom ImageProcessor sub-class (no-gui) question

  39. determining size of drawn text

  40. Different versions of ImageJ

  41. Duplicate ROI in the same image

  42. Empty ImageJ windows under Ubuntu with compiz

  43. eslide/civilCapture plugin installation problem

  44. FFT and line profile

  45. Filtering certain color range

  46. FloodFill 32-bit

  47. free memory

  48. FRET calculation .

  49. Fwd: interpolation Note of Caution

  50. Get data from "Summary" window

  51. Get data from "Summary" window (3)

  52. getPixels on ImageStack

  53. Grey Level Co-occurence matrix

  54. How to creat a Distribution List via Macro plz?

  55. how to export stack aligned using TrakEM2 plugin?

  56. How to get the same background color as before in Results plz?

  57. How to interpret data generated from Intensity Correlation Analysis?

  58. IJ 1.41c bug and 16 Bit BW images

  59. Image Acquisition Question

  60. Image analysis of aggregates in a liquid medium

  61. Image Analyst Position available in Industry

  62. Image processing

  63. Image Processing Question

  64. Image processing Question

  65. Image Type RGB48

  66. imagej and gcj

  67. ImageJ Conference 2008 - Call for paper

  68. ImageJ Macro (Do while loop) Problem

  69. Improved Stereoscopy Using Extended Depth-of-Field Processing

  70. Interactive 3D Surface Plot plugin update

  71. interactive fluorescence crosstalk correction ?

  72. invitation to submit images to ASCB Image & Video Library

  73. Is there an opposite to BufferedImageCreator?

  74. isolating lichens from the background

  75. Java memory not release when image stacks closed

  76. Leica LIF batch processing help

  77. LibTIFF modified images

  78. linear unmixing

  79. list histogram values without GUI

  80. macro dialog interface

  81. Macro interface question....

  82. macro loop Analyze Particles

  83. Macro programming

  84. Make a Simple plugin

  85. Making DICOM window on TOP in web browser

  86. Making manual linear measurements

  87. Morphology Plugins update

  88. Mouse point

  89. New release embedding ImageJ

  90. new releases: LSMToolbox 4.0d and LSM_Reader 4.0d

  91. oib reader

  92. Open Image Sequence as Hyperstack

  93. Out of memory issue

  94. Particle Tracker

  95. plotting spots

  96. Plugin/ macro to calculate cell area,perimeter circularity automatically

  97. plugin/macro to calculate migration velocity of cells from a AVI or series of TIFF files

  98. Plugins with package statements

  99. Point spread function measurement and hyperstack

  100. Possible to access pixels without creating java.awt.image

  101. problem opening avi files created by ImageJ in quicktime after upgrading to imovie HD 6

  102. Problem passing options to my plugin from macros

  103. problem using distance map

  104. Problems with DICOM in 1.41b

  105. Prompt user for file

  106. ROI Manager resizable under OSX ?

  107. Running External programs from macros?

  108. saveAs - can I have it automatically overwrite?

  109. Saving a picture with grids

  110. Saving little-endian 16 bit TIFF / "save-string-to-file" macro command

  111. ShapeLogic 1.1 plugin with particle counter released

  112. shortcut for macro

  113. slice associated ROIs

  114. Slide staining tests

  115. spectral unmixing without "clean" reference signals

  116. SRG or SNAKE ?

  117. Strange Threshold on an image

  118. Tiff image rotation problems

  119. TR: Image analysis of aggregates in a liquid medium

  120. TrakEM2 update

  121. unexpected behavior with autoupdate

  122. White particles

  123. Writing to file - Matlab
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