IMAGEJ archives -- January 2008

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IMAGEJ archives – January 2008

Table of contents:

  1. "thicken" lines in imageJ ?

  2. (Slightly off topic): Java and Flash

  3. 1.39-Q default file save name

  4. : Adding ImageJ to list of Applications

  5. : RE File type on Mac


  7. <No subject>

  8. A question about ImageJ 3D viewer Animation&Recording

  9. Analysing x-z and y-z slices

  10. Analyze Particles

  11. Announcement: Parallel Iterative Deconvolution Plugin

  12. Antwort: Basic Question

  13. Antwort: changing the location of the plugins folder

  14. Antwort: ImageJ benchmarks

  15. Antwort: Java displaying TIF

  16. Antwort: multiple plugin folders, was Re: changing the location of the plugins folder

  17. Antwort: Re: color washing

  18. Antwort: Re: Help with ImageJ macro code

  19. Antwort: Re: How to create the API?

  20. Antwort: Re: How to link an external package to plugin in ImageJ?

  21. Antwort: Re: ImageJ benchmarks

  22. Antwort: Re: ImageJ plugin development using (external) debugger

  23. Antwort: Tutorial on ImageJ

  24. automated t- or z-plot in an image- stack using a variable rectangular roi

  25. Balasan: Re: Resize picture

  26. Basic Question

  27. Changing output of summary window

  28. changing the location of the plugins folder

  29. color scale

  30. color washing

  31. Compressed .AVI

  32. compressed DICOM

  33. Converting back a spline to a roi

  34. Crystallography and Extrapolative Modeling

  35. Debug using NetBeans

  36. Deconvolution, 3D, and FRAP Webinars Jan. 28-31

  37. determining depth via tilt

  38. determining depth via tilt - Stereo SEM ?

  39. Dicom Compression

  40. DICOM Viewing Applet using ImageJ

  41. directory chooser problems

  42. doesn't recognize ratio command?

  43. drawing parallel and perpendicular line to a straight line

  44. erasing pixel groups?

  45. font size for outline labels

  46. Fourier "Curvature values" window not closing

  47. Functional MRI in java - imagej

  48. gaussian fitting

  49. get Frame Interval

  50. getDirectory function does not work

  51. getDirectory("image") doesn't work with LOCI importer

  52. Group 4 fax tiff ?

  53. Help

  54. Help with ImageJ macro code

  55. How to assign a double (or other variable) to an image

  56. How to create the API?

  57. How to get dna quantities from an agarose gel ?

  58. How to link an external package to plugin in ImageJ?

  59. How to use Macro built in function in my plugin?

  60. hyperlink or thumbnail

  61. I would like doing image analysis of svs file by using imageJ

  62. IJ 1.38/OSX macro crash

  63. IJ session log

  64. ImageJ and Jython 2nd try

  65. ImageJ and NetBeans

  66. ImageJ benchmarks

  67. ImageJ crashing in leopard

  68. ImageJ driving AVT Guppy CCD cam

  69. ImageJ exit and closing of frame window

  70. ImageJ for teaching programming, maybe high school level?

  71. imagej matlab garbage collection

  72. ImageJ plugin development using (external) debugger

  73. ImageJ2x???

  74. information about LUTs and image manipulation

  75. JACoP plugin

  76. Java displaying TIF

  77. Just another CLASSPATH problem

  78. Label images

  79. Launch a macro from a command line

  80. licensing -urgent

  81. Logical operation on ROIs

  82. maximized window

  83. measure length of lines

  84. Measure multi ROI in a stack

  85. Microscopy Web Seminars Jan 21-25

  86. montages involving confocal or 2-photon image stacks?

  87. Motion tracking program

  88. multiple plugin folders, was Re: changing the location of the plugins folder

  89. netbeans compiling

  90. New open GIS for scientific simulation

  91. New version of plugin for reading digital camera raw images (ij-dcraw v.1.1.0)

  92. New version of plugin for reading digital camera raw images (ij-dcraw v.1.2.0)


  94. open file error

  95. order of file names

  96. Parallel Spectral Deconvolution plugin update

  97. plugin format requirements

  98. Porosity Measurement

  99. Presentation and one question about OpenDialog boxes

  100. Problem with ROI (bounding rectangle)

  101. Problem with updateAndDraw()

  102. reading microPET data - ASIPro

  103. Registering two stacks and before merging

  104. Resize picture

  105. RGB analysis

  106. RGB Split setColor(Color.BLUE)

  107. Serial Plugin waitanswer

  108. Setting scale of z step

  109. skewing of stacks

  110. sound in imageJ

  111. specification of ROI in macro

  112. stacking zvi Axio files

  113. Stackreg colour problem

  114. Stereo SEM image generation

  115. string[] modification

  116. Strip labels from Results/Summary output?

  117. Superimpose

  118. This week's microscopy webinar schedule

  119. transform arbitrary shape to circle

  120. Tutorial on ImageJ

  121. Ubuntu and gij

  122. Ultrasound Image Scanner

  123. US Elastography

  124. Using multiprocessors

  125. Webinar Announcement: Tracking Objects in 2D and 3D

  126. Webinar Invitation: Quantitative Imaging of Fluorescent Specimens

  127. Writing results and embedding images into database

  128. Writing results and embedding images into spreadsheet cells

  129. Xray measurements.
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