IMAGEJ archives -- December 2007

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IMAGEJ archives – December 2007

Table of contents:

  1. "Use Virtual Stack"

  2. 16 bit to 8 bit conversion

  3. 16 bits speed

  4. 3D time series alignement

  5. A question on image type converter

  6. Announcement: ShapeLogic, declarative logic plugin

  7. Antwort: FFT-Filtering - are non-symmetric masks useful?

  8. Antwort: Re: Antwort: FFT-Filtering - are non-symmetric masks useful?

  9. Antwort: Re: convert uint16 image to uint8 image in ImageJ

  10. Antwort: Re: magnifying glass in 1.38x resp. setMagnification and canvas size

  11. automatic angle detection/correction

  12. Average/Std of All open stacks

  13. bar graphs

  14. Baseline for Gel Analysis

  15. Baseline for Gel Analysis2

  16. Batch Multi Measure

  17. calling imagej from excel

  18. Cell counting with grid

  19. CIE LAB Histogram

  20. colocalization greater than 100%

  21. convert uint16 image to uint8 image in ImageJ

  22. Converting HTML to an IMAGE

  23. Counting pixels above a certain grey value in a stack

  24. creating an ImagePlus from an InputStream or a byte[]

  25. creating an ImagePlus from an InputStream or a byte[] -> SOLVED

  26. DICOM Roi to Tiff

  27. draw a vertical line - malfunctioning??

  28. Dual Windows (image and text) for the same image file

  29. FFT-Filtering - are non-symmetric masks useful?

  30. Follow up question

  31. Grid with equal spacing

  32. Help with Batch Plugin

  33. Help with Netbeans and plugins

  34. How can I store the results of run("measure") in specific column of the results window?

  35. How to expand selection?

  36. how to use EllipseFitter?

  37. Id of brush selection tool?

  38. Image Analyses with Image J

  39. Image Processing with ImageJ book now available.

  40. ImageJ and DICOM ultrasound images

  41. ImageJ API, Macro Help

  42. k-means Clustering

  43. Label points on Imager

  44. Live sum of an image stack?

  45. macro for Image5d - measuring an ROI in each panel

  46. macro question - macro text

  47. magnifying glass in 1.38x

  48. mark a zone with 2 vertical lines within a picture, automaticaly

  49. Mean Shift Filter - Plugin

  50. Measuring intensity fluctuations of a regular array of lights

  51. Measuring Volume

  52. Micro-Manager release 1.1

  53. need help on various watershed segmentation algorithms

  54. off-centre Vignette correction

  55. Partial cell counting for siRNA knowdown

  56. Particle analysis: classifying with respect to size

  57. Plugin announcement: Orientation measurements

  58. plugin for estimating surface area of 3D object in binary image volume (stack)?

  59. PointInRoi function?

  60. problem for counting cells on a stack

  61. processing bogs down

  62. Protein Gels and quantitation/Baseline for Gel Analysis

  63. Question

  64. Recusive operation on subfolders

  65. Run Measure after drawing a Line

  66. saving images

  67. Saving metadata using Bioformats

  68. ShortPorcessor convert to ByteProcessor

  69. Skeletonize BufferedImage with imagej

  70. software binning

  71. Specify ROI

  72. Specifying ROI based on grayscale values?

  73. Stereo SEM image generation

  74. TLC Methods and Profile Plots

  75. Tracking and Organizing Objects

  76. Twain plugin

  77. Uncompressing Tiff files created in Matlab

  78. Write ICS, ICS2, OME XML, OME TIFF

  79. Writing Mean value on blocked image

  80. xy plots of line segment

  81. zooming on a region

  82. ZVI slices
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