IMAGEJ archives -- September 2007

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IMAGEJ archives – September 2007

Table of contents:

  1. 3D filtering

  2. 3D modelling software

  3. <No subject>

  4. AMIRA ascii format

  5. Announcement: Parallel Spectral Deconvolution Plugin

  6. another question about developing plungins under netbeas

  7. B&C not working right in linux ij138

  8. basic ImageJ question

  9. Batch rename DICOM files with header info

  10. Brown staining

  11. brown staining

  12. Can't export ImagePlus as DICOM with FileExporter plugin

  13. cell counter and grid

  14. classpath and importing

  15. colocalization batch processing

  16. ColorInspector3D Update

  17. compile and run problem

  18. Complex (for me!) macro - advice needed

  19. Content-Aware Image Resizing

  20. Convert projections to sinogram

  21. Crash on startup

  22. dev: overriding multiple classes

  23. Epifluoresence Confocal Images

  24. fluorescence intensity

  25. Get Image type in a macro

  26. How to do 2-D Gaussian convolution by 2 1-D convolution kernels?

  27. How to launch imageJ+an image+a plugin in command line

  28. question

  29. IJ_Prefs.txt

  30. image overlaps

  31. imagej and paraview

  32. imageJ and paraview

  33. ImageJ to quantify root colonization by fungus?

  34. ImageJ: Measure RGB areas

  35. Import->Virtual Stack ...

  36. importing and displaying previous point selections

  37. intensity of measurement

  38. Is a CLSM absolutely required to take z stacks or can I try using a ordinary Compound Microscope

  39. Looking for a MacOX and Linux tester for an Image_Explorer plugin

  40. Menus/Submenus? in ImageJ's menubar...

  41. Merge Image

  42. meshing 3d point cloud in ImageJ ?

  43. Modal color picker

  44. more memory

  45. Moving a non-image window

  46. netbeans debug problems

  47. New multiplatform image capture plugin available: CivilCapture

  48. new user with very basic problem

  49. non-destructive graphic overlay

  50. Olympus spinning disk confocal

  51. Option to edit the text in saved image

  52. Outline extra ction / thres holding

  53. plugin for LIF files

  54. Problem with adjusting histogram

  55. Problem with Compressed DICOM Images

  56. problems upgrading ImageStack

  57. Q: Definition of densitometry (probably very academic)

  58. race condition problem with command line ImageJ macro jobs

  59. Range LUT with float value

  60. Re-merge image

  61. Reading Varian fid data

  62. Replace one value by NaN

  63. Resize window and image in a macro

  64. run("Enlarge...", "enlarge=-1"); when touching edge of field

  65. special character in Sigma Filter

  66. Triangle algorithm

  67. trouble with Flat-field correction

  68. Update of the Bio7 software using now ImageJ 1.39d

  69. variance alternatives

  70. Volume calculation

  71. Webinar Invitation: Deconvolution of Microscopy Images

  72. Webinar Invitation: Quantitative Image and Data Acquisition for Fluorescent Specimens

  73. Yan Gao is out of the office.

  74. Z-Aspect inside Volume Viewer plugin
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