IMAGEJ archives -- June 2007

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IMAGEJ archives – June 2007

Table of contents:

  1. 'A trous' Wavelet Filter and stack processing

  2. 12 bit greyscale JPEG images

  3. 3D reconstruction (I need help)

  4. adaptative roi

  5. Applying Global Scale Factor?

  6. Area measurement of a curved surface

  7. automatic plugins submenu

  8. averaging reducer for stack

  9. Batch process 32bit float images

  10. Cell counting

  11. Client API for embedding ImageJ

  12. COMMERCIAL POSTING - job announcement

  13. Constrast stretching expressions

  14. CT value and cupping effect

  15. debug mode of ImageJ plugin

  16. Densitometry guide (lines)?

  17. Depth map and z scale

  18. distance between adjacent particles

  19. edge detecion on a color image

  20. edge detection

  21. embedding ImageJ in DICOM viewer/editor

  22. expand window automatically ?

  23. extended depth of field on multi-dimensional set

  24. float point HSB?

  25. Fusing Images: Color?

  26. getProcessor, viewer

  27. Getting a image from a video camera...

  28. Headless ImageJ

  29. Help Requested for Multi-Resolution Image Viewer Plugin

  30. Help to beginner

  31. histogram stretching(s)

  32. How can I quit ImageJ from a macro?

  33. How to apply auto window/level adjust to a new image from within a plugin?

  34. How to Apply Global Scale Value?

  35. how to get the size distribution using imageJ

  36. How to identify free parking slots of a car park using image processing in java

  37. How to load a type of plugin

  38. How to Threshold a grayscale image in java

  39. IJ.getDirectory() OS differences

  40. IJ_Prefs.txt

  41. Image CorrelationJ update

  42. Image J

  43. image J and XP64

  44. ImageJ and Vista

  45. ImageJ as an applet

  46. integrating ptolemy plot PlotMLFrame

  47. Interactive 3D Surface Plot

  48. is it possible to set image window dimensions via call() command in macro language?

  49. JACoP problem

  50. Java Generics

  51. Macro: Switch between interactive and batch mode

  52. Measuring areas...

  53. memory problem

  54. Memory size

  55. Merging brightfield and RGB images

  56. Method to plot RGB pixel values?

  57. Microscopic Image Analysis with Applications in Biology

  58. Modifying Image Histograms

  59. Morphology plugins update

  60. multi-measure feature can not handle more than 100-150 ROIs at a time

  61. Multiple XY coordinates per row

  62. nearest neighbour deblurring

  63. Need advice about Principal Component Analysis (PCA)

  64. New ImageJ plugin under development

  65. NIR botany images

  66. No desire to reinvent the wheel-local measuring

  67. Own Histograms in Imagej

  68. Plot data access

  69. Plugin announcement: MosaicJ

  70. Plugin to transform from RGB to HSB (HSV)

  71. Possible to map hue from RGB?

  72. Precision: spatial area and boundary measurement

  73. printing out pixel values to a results table

  74. Printing under Ubuntu Linux 7.04

  75. Problem with DeSpeckel

  76. Problem with Despeckle...........

  77. Profile from a XZ image

  78. Question on format image with ImageJ

  79. Ratio for rect roi

  80. Re : Fusing Images: Color?

  81. Reading Canon CR2 files

  82. Region Growing/Segmentating

  83. RG2B colocalization plugin

  84. setting a line width for makeLine()

  85. Setting ImageJ memory in Netbeans?

  86. Shape descriptor... (with recent IJ versions)

  87. Sperm Analysis

  88. subtraction of ROIs

  89. Thresholding

  90. upgrade

  91. viewing large images with scrollbars

  92. Volume measurements: subnuclear structures to total nuclear volume

  93. walking average help!

  94. watermarking bis

  95. where's the problem?

  96. XP64 bit & memory
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