IMAGEJ archives -- April 2007

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IMAGEJ archives – April 2007

Table of contents:

  1. 2 questions about macro command

  2. 2D area calculations

  3. 2d phase unwrap and fringe pattern plugins

  4. 3D model

  5. : RE Stack focuser etc IMAGEJ Digest - 12 Apr 2007 to 13 Apr 2007 (#2007-99)

  6. <No subject>

  7. about ImageJ and PostgreSQL

  8. adding first slice in a macro

  9. Analyze Particles of ROI Area Fraction >100%?

  10. Antwort: 2d phase unwrap and fringe pattern plugins

  11. Antwort: Re: Function in imagej

  12. appending file names to results window

  13. Applet bug?

  14. Application of Image J in Exhaust industry (Port Elizabeth, South Africa)

  15. astrometry plugin

  16. BinaryReconstruct.

  17. Calibration bar is not working anymore in 1.38j on mac

  18. circle detection on an image with ImageJ

  19. Colour Histogram Crashes

  20. compiling java 1.5 code

  21. continue in if

  22. Converting and overlay in Image5D to RGB

  23. correction of length measurement method suggested a few weeks ago

  24. Could you please consider helping us with this project....

  25. Densitometry issue: A bug or a feature?

  26. Densitometry of Western Blots

  27. determinging contact between neighboring cells

  28. error w/bio-format

  29. Family Practice viewer

  30. FENS Workshop approved

  31. filters and ImageJ

  32. Fourier filters

  33. Function in imagej

  34. Function speeds

  35. Gaussian fit with ImageJ

  36. Help needed with Z series

  37. help with a quantification issue

  38. help_standardizing images

  39. How to get area of Roi programatically; where is "Roi.getArea()"

  40. how to get name of arbitrary file selected by user in macro?

  41. how to use built-in macro functions in a Plugin

  42. Image Analysis: round robin measurement

  43. Image corrupted sometimes

  44. Image deformation generator plugin (based on cubic b-splines)

  45. image gradient measurement with ImageJ

  46. ImageJ PCA

  47. Inquiry about bUnwarpJ

  48. Isolines with ImageJ

  49. leica files, lif

  50. Lut issue

  51. Macro - Plot window - get values into array

  52. macro slice labeling

  53. Macro/Plugin Release

  54. marker assisted watershed

  55. measure and label help

  56. Measuring along oblique lines

  57. memory limit and the 64-bit era

  58. Micron to Pixel Ratio

  59. MTF and ImageJ

  60. Multi image FITS file

  61. Multiple Threshold

  62. MultiRoi viewer

  63. On centroid disply with ImageJ

  64. On Nyquist theorem and ImageJ

  65. on point represenattion on ImageJ

  66. Open unrecognised stack

  67. Opening Khoros .xv 3D image files?

  68. opening oib files using import-raw funtion

  69. Please. on macros and ImageJ

  70. Pls: juxtapostion of macros in ImageJ

  71. Pls: on Hough transformation and its results with ImageJ

  72. Pls: profiles with ImageJ

  73. Post Doctoral position URGENT deadline : 2007/04/30 : Adaptation of algorithms for automatic recognition and classification of plankton

  74. problem with VFF_Reader

  75. programmatically changing the values within a plot

  76. programmatically opening a stack from a list of filenames

  77. Question about hardware

  78. quicktime write failure

  79. ROI with ImageJ

  80. Save RAW in integer instead of float?

  81. save summary file

  82. servlet example

  83. Setting origin of an image with Image J

  84. Showing the minimal value with ImageJ

  85. Stack animation between start and stop slice

  86. StereoView after StackFocuser

  87. substact no working on mac (IJ version 1,38 n)

  88. SV: Pls: profiles with ImageJ

  89. Svar: 2 questions about macro command

  90. thank you very much!!!! : Isolines with ImageJ

  91. Thanks!!: Wiener filter in ImageJ

  92. TIFFField

  93. ToolTips

  94. Triangle ROI values

  95. turning off text antialiasing under Mac OS X?

  96. Unsubscribing Problems

  97. Using ij.jar with plugins

  98. vessel diameter

  99. VOI Support

  100. Wiener filter in ImageJ

  101. Window Level Tool

  102. Window/Level Macro

  103. Writing to clipboard

  104. Zeiss LSM 510 Linescan Files

  105. Zeiss LSM Scan Type 2
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