IMAGEJ archives -- March 2007

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IMAGEJ archives – March 2007

Table of contents:

  1. 10-bit gray scale display?

  2. 3D reconstruction by max. std dev or variance

  3. 4200x4200x16 bit image at 100% zoom

  4. : Re: IMAGEJ Digest - 5 Mar 2007 to 6 Mar 2007 (#2007-62) FOCUS MEASUREMENT

  5. Adapting Lut to custom values

  6. aligning slices in a stack

  7. Align_RGB_planes plugin update

  8. Analyze lkup format

  9. Announcement: ImageJ-based tool, Theba

  10. Applying annotations to images

  11. Audit Trail for ImageJ

  12. Bugs with several filters

  13. can't set scale

  14. Canvas size

  15. circle detection on an image with ImageJ

  16. close window without selecting first


  18. Color_Space_Converter plugin update

  19. Conversion of an old IMAGE macro

  20. convolver and parts of an image

  21. coordinate features on images

  22. copy paste external text

  23. counting in multiple ROIs

  24. curvature using imagej

  25. Deconvolution, PSF, Dougherty's, Besson's plugins....

  26. distributing plugins with ij and jre

  27. edge detection

  28. embedding ImageJ in DICOM viewer/editor

  29. failure of "compile and run"

  30. Family Practice viewer

  31. FENS Workshop: last call

  32. Filtering with Savitzky-Golay

  33. FilterTester

  34. Find Maxima

  35. Focus measurement (more general image analysis question)

  36. Fractal, thresholding and noise repression plugins etc source relisenced as public domain

  37. freehand line selection as object

  38. Freehand ROI not 'closing'

  39. Fw: RGB merge

  40. Fwd: Re: Adapting Lut to custom values

  41. Geodesic dilation/distance?

  42. geoTIFF reader writer

  43. getDateAndTime bug?

  44. H2AX foci

  45. Histogram analysis

  46. How do I autoupdate results to RGB Merge?

  47. How to do frame averaging?

  48. How to overlay two and more separately acquired images?

  49. How to store double values

  50. ICS_opener release with Nikon C1 support

  51. IJ.resetEscape() and IJ.escapePressed()

  52. Image canvas window: "subtitle" infos from macro

  53. image correlation analysis result extraction

  54. image gradient measurement with ImageJ

  55. ImageJ and centroide detection

  56. ImageJ and ROI

  57. ImageJ and X11

  58. imagej exception error

  59. ImageJ Findpeak plugin?

  60. ImageJ on Linux

  61. ImageJ Web Start Question

  62. Impact of MTF on image simulation?

  63. Import --> Image Sequence problem

  64. Importing large Leica .lif images

  65. in situ hybridization

  66. Info on Crashes on Windows

  67. Inquiry about bUnwarpJ

  68. Interparticle distance

  69. Is it possible to save your point selections onto images?

  70. ISIVC08 Call for Papers & Special Session About ImageJ

  71. kudos on new Help menu

  72. Low res -> High Res Calculations

  73. Lower circularity limit

  74. Macro question

  75. Maximum length and maximum width

  76. measuring uniform illumination

  77. normalised quantitation - which measurment to use

  78. Normalizing intensities

  79. On edge detection

  80. On RGB images on ImageJ

  81. Open an ImagePlus from a stream or bytearray

  82. open density calibrated NIH-images in ImageJ

  83. open DICOM by URL with ij-bug?

  84. open images in separate graphical device

  85. Open Samples question!

  86. Out of memory (sooner or later...)

  87. outlining

  88. particle tracking and calculating area

  89. Pb with freehand selection line width

  90. Probably chipset dependent problem when displaying "Plots of ..." images

  91. Problem with Brightness / Contrast dialog in Plug-in

  92. Problem with X-axis rotating Max Intensity 3D Projections

  93. projected area meaurements

  94. query on the product

  95. QuickTime Object Movies

  96. QuickTime player

  97. Quicktime Player

  98. QuickTime player

  99. Re :QuickTime Object Movies

  100. Reading JPegs from a ZIP file

  101. Research using Image J plugin "Color Inspector 3D"

  102. Result tables

  103. RGB merge

  104. ROI Manager and Time Series

  105. run("Restore Selection"); bug?

  106. snapshot(), reset() not working.

  107. sorting bug in ij.plugin.FolderOpener?

  108. Spline Polygon ROI

  109. StackReg Help!

  110. stretchHistogram in ContrastEnhancer

  111. tabbing through image windows in 1.38k

  112. Text window management in a macro

  113. tif to CAD file

  114. transformation of local gray level variance to local image intensity

  115. Twain problems

  116. Type conversion

  117. VEGF counting

  118. Volume Slicer Macro

  119. Volume Viewer / Stack Slicer: support for RGB stacks

  120. Want to use only a specific utility of this tool...

  121. [Dev] counting in multiple ROIs

  122. [Dev] How to convert a threshold area to a selection?

  123. [Dev] How to do frame averaging?

  124. [Dev] StackReg Help!
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