IMAGEJ archives -- September 2006

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IMAGEJ archives – September 2006

Table of contents:

  1. 3D construction


  3. <No subject>

  4. Accessing the image window while GenericDialog shows

  5. Analyse -> measure

  6. Analysing particles inside ROIs

  7. Analyze Particles - documentation outdated?


  9. Apogee Instruments Camera Plug In

  10. Automatic analysis of seuence images

  11. AW: ImageJ & serial port communication

  12. AW: ip.getPixel returns 'index' not 'value'

  13. AW: Unique Image to Stack ?

  14. Bio-Formats release (2006 Sep 27)

  15. Bio-Formats: Leica LIF, Zeiss ZVI

  16. Bluish tint to QuickTime preview/capture on Intel Mac

  17. Bluish tint to QuickTime preview/capture: solved

  18. Can I select based on Pixel Intensity? Nuclear Vs Cytoplasmic Quantification

  19. cell image analyzer

  20. Circularity = -1 ??

  21. Closing ImageJ with images open, resurface of old bug?

  22. Closing Modified Image Windows

  23. Colocalize, huh?

  24. color merge

  25. composite video and Macs

  26. convert 16 byte signed images to 16 byte unsigned raw data

  27. Convert a textfile to an image, HELP!

  28. Counting people and vehicles

  29. Curiosity on UTHSCSA ImageTool

  30. Cursors in ImageJ

  31. CurveFitter

  32. customized ImageJ

  33. decimal places for a multiplication factor

  34. Dicom Compression

  35. Displaying two images in the same window

  36. FFT-bandpass filter: exact meaning of low- and high-pass thresshold

  37. Firewire camera

  38. Fractal modeling

  39. Freehand and Segmented lines Selections with a pixel width ?

  40. FW: [Imagejdocu] Is it possible to use VC++ to control ImageJ to showimages continuously?

  41. gary chinga plugin

  42. GCSCA-plugins

  43. Generalized Hough Transformation

  44. help with removing tilt from DICOM image set

  45. How ImageJ process non-rectangular ROIs?

  46. how to compare intensity ratios (membran <> cytoplasm)?

  47. How to get a stack from an inactive "ImagePlus" window?

  48. How to publish a plugin


  50. IJUpdate

  51. Image Total Variation Calculation Plug-in?

  52. ImageJ & serial port communication

  53. ImageJ 64bit memory limitations

  54. imagej tools

  55. increase memory of created jar-file

  56. interpolating polygons

  57. ip.getPixel returns 'index' not 'value'

  58. Is the EDM 3D?

  59. is there a plugin to read .dat files from Tecnai TEM microscopes?

  60. java.awt.Graphics object for Roi.draw

  61. LiveWire Plugin updated

  62. LSM Reader

  63. LSMToolbox ver 4.0 is out! (previously LSM_Reader)

  64. Macro

  65. macro language: how to get Duplicate work on the whole stack

  66. Make Band... and printing on linux

  67. Making your threshold the ROI

  68. Measure circumfence of cells (cannot use particle analyzer)

  69. measuring length of fibers

  70. memory problem

  71. Nearest different pixel

  72. Netbeans ImageJ Debugging Step-by-step error

  73. NeuronJ

  74. neuronj or imagej problem

  75. new plugin: Align_4

  76. Opening multiple ROIs and adjusting them all at once...

  77. Painting over the ROI

  78. passing an array ,as a string, into a "run" command in macro language

  79. PerkinElmer Plugin

  80. plotting measurements through a stack

  81. Point Selections

  82. popup menu

  83. Position for Imaging Specialist

  84. problem setting roi color

  85. Problem with text panel

  86. Procrustes Analysis Plugin

  87. programmer position at UCSF

  88. Quick Time issue

  89. QuickTime Movie Player

  90. RE : convert 16 byte signed images to 16 byte unsigned raw data


  92. Reading Tiff tags

  93. Regarding MRI image quality

  94. rescaling

  95. ResultsTable problem

  96. Roi event

  97. ROI object from co-ordinate arrays

  98. Scion frame grabber plugins under OS X 10.4

  99. scrollable zoom

  100. Segmentation Plugin LiveWire Updated

  101. Segmentation problems

  102. Segmenting MRI stack into a 3D point cloud

  103. Serialize and Deserialize ImagePlus

  104. Shape analysis for comparison of contours (otolith)

  105. Shape descriptor...

  106. Simple way to locate the center of a circle or arc?

  107. sorting DICOM information

  108. Sorting Particle Analysis Results

  109. Specify and position an ROI

  110. stack operation...

  111. substract background

  112. the algorithm of finding particle positions

  113. the LSM Toolbox source code?

  114. The pixel density of stained cells

  115. TrakEM2 0.3g released

  116. Two concerns

  117. Unique Image to Stack ?


  119. using threshold in volume rendering

  120. Variables in Macro Run Commands

  121. volume measurements

  122. Where is result image of calculate()?

  123. Widest?

  124. Zeiss mdb files
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