IMAGEJ archives -- July 2006

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IMAGEJ archives – July 2006

Table of contents:

  1. "Fit Ellipse" axes

  2. 32-bit images

  3. 3d plots for imagej

  4. <No subject>

  5. a simple question about macro

  6. About pseudo imaging and merging?

  7. Adding LUTs

  8. algorithm discussion Re: Creating Ethovision style tracking with ImageJ

  9. Analysis of geometric shapes

  10. Analyze Particle -> Perimeter

  11. Analyze Particles Issue?

  12. Antwort: handling arrays in macro

  13. Antwort: How to add the comments on the macro?

  14. Antwort: Re: convolution versus PDE

  15. Antwort: Re: getPixel() for loop

  16. Antwort: Re: grayscale displays and human vision

  17. Antwort: Re: how to access the ROI programmatically?

  18. Antwort: Re: Optical artefact removal

  19. Antwort: Re: out of memory: multiple images

  20. Antwort: result window

  21. Antwort: Sharpen Filter

  22. array of ROIs

  23. Array of ROIs ?

  24. Auto Corr and Image_Converter

  25. Average Diameter

  26. AW: a simple question about macro

  27. AW: call batch file from macro

  28. batching imageCalculator (please NOT spam)

  29. batching imageCalculator - [ i ] unexpected

  30. ByteProcessor class pixel[] fieldl become NULL when closing associated ImagePlus windows

  31. call batch file from macro

  32. Change pixel resolution

  33. circle

  34. Close all images

  35. combining images

  36. compile ImageJ plugin source code

  37. ContrastAdjuster help...

  38. Convex hull method not found and GetMask null value

  39. convolution versus PDE

  40. Creating Ethovision style tracking with ImageJ

  41. customizing toolbars

  42. De-combine ROI

  43. dealing with Video File

  44. delete rows in resultsTable

  45. DeltaF/F

  46. dendritic spine quantification

  47. Densitometry

  48. DEXA analysis software

  49. dialog box

  50. dialog box again

  51. dicom header size

  52. Dicom Pixel/mm ratio

  53. Dicomdir

  54. Documentation project

  55. draw ROI with other color

  56. drawing with subpixel precision

  57. Dynamic Profiler plugin question

  58. Eclipse

  59. Edge detection and measuring lengths

  60. Embedding applet in a web page - help please

  61. Error LargeMontage

  62. error to access particle's area size in ResultTable

  63. Exception on getPixels() ImageProcessor method

  64. Exporting the coords of a single pixel to a text file?

  65. extract white object from black background

  66. feed url to ImageJ applet

  67. Feret's Mean Diameter

  68. Fluorescence quantiation

  69. Fourier shape analysis

  70. Fourier shape analysis - how to close a selection?

  71. frame grabber for use with Dage MTI CCD72 camera

  72. Fw: more on grayscale displays and human vision / camera linearity

  73. gel analysis

  74. GelAnalyzer plugin, unnecessarily inaccurate?

  75. getPixel() for loop

  76. Glasbey's look up table

  77. Grabbing output from 'GLCM_Texture'?

  78. grayscale displays and human vision

  79. handling arrays in macro

  80. help on getting automatic contour

  81. HELP!

  82. How does a toolbar open automatically?

  83. how to access the ROI programmatically?

  84. How to add the comments on the macro?

  85. how to combine multiple objects into one

  86. how to make call in Macro for new plug-in

  87. How to programmatically apply a lut to an image

  88. How to split image?

  89. I need to citing TrakEM2

  90. Image J cannot open 200 frames time series LSM files.

  91. Image J with PAXcam

  92. image processing/analysis programmer

  93. Image quality evaluation

  94. ImageJ as Eclipse plugin

  95. ImageJ can't open files from UNC paths

  96. ImageJ crashing

  97. ImagePlus, ImageProcessor <--> BufferedImage, for 16-bit unsigned gray image?

  98. import dicom sequence plugin

  99. intensity ves time plots

  100. Is that possible to change the resolution ?

  101. Isolines?

  102. it works Re: uncompressed AVI format

  103. Java Servlet/Applet in Powerpoint

  104. java version and memory

  105. Javac compiler

  106. Large Montage

  107. Live video feed - can you perform functions on?

  108. locked image: Macro

  109. Macro function: call

  110. Macro scritping for NeuronJ

  111. Maroc for cutting 300 frames 13*13 pixels AOI in time-series image

  112. Matlab and ImageJ

  113. MATLAB and ImageJ

  114. Measuring individual pixel intensities inside ROIs

  115. Memory matters, I think...

  116. Memory usage with Windows XP64

  117. Moment Calculator

  118. more on grayscale displays and human vision

  119. more on grayscale displays and human vision / camera linearity

  120. Multi Measure v4 Plugin Records Slice Data?

  121. multiple color

  122. Multiple measurements in Image J

  123. Multiple results tables

  124. Need a Macro

  125. negative centroid values

  126. NIH LISTSERV Server - behavior

  127. Nonmodal slider dialog?

  128. object tracking criteria

  129. open acceess

  130. Optical artefact removal

  131. Optical artefact removal: reply

  132. out of memory: multiple images

  133. outline data

  134. particle counting in neurons

  135. Phylogenetic gel analysis plugin(s) for Image J

  136. PIV (Particle Image Velocimetry) for ImageJ

  137. placement of non-plugin utility classes

  138. please unsubscribe me

  139. please unsubscribe my name from your list

  140. Potential SPAM:batching imageCalculator

  141. Problem with nResults()

  142. Problems Opening Files

  143. reloading results from text file(s)

  144. result window

  145. rings

  146. ROI closing

  147. ROI intersection

  148. Saving array as a .txt file

  149. Saving Distribution List to file

  150. Scale when converting

  151. Scaling of / measuring inside a profile plot window

  152. Scripting

  153. select one column from table

  154. Sharpen Filter

  155. Sholl Analysis

  156. Skewness and Kurtosis

  157. Slope

  158. SNR measurement

  159. Stack and montage

  160. Still stack problem

  161. String concatenation

  162. time series frames "integrated Density" calculation, help!

  163. toolbar

  164. tracing moving object in video file

  165. Trouble with ImagePlus.setSlice() method in ImageJ ver 1.37j

  166. two color live cell imaging- ratio data

  167. uncompressed AVI format

  168. unexpected results with "Convert Stack to RGB"

  169. Unsolicited mail fom Anneliese Schmaus [log in to unmask]

  170. use of imagej to count cells?

  171. Virtual stack opener

  172. Website suggestion...

  173. WindowManager listener

  174. Zoom functionality

  175. ZVI Reader: Could not find header information in ImageJ
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