IMAGEJ archives -- May 2006

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IMAGEJ archives – May 2006

Table of contents:

  1. 16 bt grayscale image: display, histogram

  2. 2D deconvolution of time-resolved stacks

  3. 3d Horizons in Molecular Biology Symposium in Goettingen!!!

  4. 3D objects counter in batch mode?

  5. <No subject>

  6. Abdominal Fat MRI

  7. Acquisition of 16-bit USB CCD-Camera using JTwain

  8. adding searchable text(keywords) to an image

  9. addition of line location to measurements in imagej

  10. alternative to doWand(x,y)

  11. Amira Mesh reader and writer

  12. analyze particles

  13. Analyze Particles

  14. Antwort: Earlier Post

  15. Antwort: image acquisition from a digital camera

  16. Antwort: Large macro files

  17. Antwort: Plugin directory on the server

  18. Antwort: Re: Compile and run error

  19. Antwort: Re: FFT Questions

  20. Antwort: Re: image acquisition from a digital camera

  21. Antwort: Re: ImageStack iteration

  22. Antwort: Re: Just another ROI question

  23. Antwort: Re: Where is the source of "Process -> Binary -> Threshold"?

  24. Antwort: unsubscribe

  25. Basic question

  26. Basic question (generating thumbnails)

  27. Bug in Measure Function

  28. Calibration

  29. calling ImageJ from another program

  30. capturing summarize info

  31. Cell Counter / Point Picker Plugin

  32. changing the linewidth of lines drawn through segmented and freehand line tools - Bug (?)

  33. colocalization batch processing

  34. Compile and run error

  35. Conversion and version of imageJ ?

  36. Creating a Background ROI

  37. Cut (ctrl-x) and the results window

  38. cut and paste behavior

  39. cut and paste behavior... volumetry

  40. Deliver Parameters

  41. DeltaVision files

  42. densitometry

  43. Despeckle and image processor

  44. Dialog naming restrictions for plugins/macros?

  45. DICOM Import/Export Plugins under OSX 10.4.6


  47. do/while loop, I think?!

  48. draw ROI with other color

  49. Earlier Post

  50. Eclipse warnings in IJ plugins

  51. Eliminate characters from line?

  52. Embedding the Viewer applet in a web page

  53. End of line?

  54. Error: Plugin not found ZVI_Reader

  55. FFT Questions

  56. FracLac options - Use Relative Sizes

  57. FracLac User's Guide?

  58. Frame Averaging from new to ImageJ

  59. Fwd: Re: cut and paste behavior... volumetry


  61. help required for using ImageJ for metallurgy image analysis based on ASTM standards

  62. help with "colocalization thresholds"

  63. How to add a shortcut into the toolbar?

  64. How to calculate the coefficients of Daubechies using wavelet transform

  65. how to get the coordinates of a PointRoi?

  66. How to make "imageJ" window invisible?

  67. how to make a Point selection in a plugin?

  68. image acquisition from a digital camera

  69. image alignment and 3D rendering

  70. Image changed status"bit"

  71. Image geometrical (lens) distortion plugin?

  72. image reconstruction based on skeleton

  73. ImageJ

  74. ImageJ for gross tissue

  75. imagej for linux (.deb)

  76. ImageJ orkut community

  77. ImageJ shutdown after Quicktime export

  78. ImageJ's fonts

  79. ImageJ's fonts and a New Image suggestion

  80. ImageStack iteration

  81. intensity correction of z stacks (linear, nonlinear)

  82. Job: Imaging Scientist - Boston area (USA).

  83. Just another ROI question

  84. Large macro files

  85. LSM Reader problem!

  86. LUT and ROI

  87. LUTs don't appear...

  88. Macro for reading microarrays

  89. Macro within a macro?

  90. manipulating saved ROIs in a text editor?

  91. Maximum entropy thresholding for 16-bit images

  92. Measure command

  93. Measure Stack plugin modify ROIs

  94. memory issue

  95. modification to the BackgroundSubtracter class

  96. more on ROI manager; helping those who help each other?


  98. NeuronJ

  99. newImage()

  100. not enough VM

  101. nucleator macro fro image J

  102. numeric polygon selection tool?

  103. ObjectJ, was Re: your mail

  104. open image sequence

  105. Open Next

  106. Opening for a Research Assistant

  107. options->preferences..

  108. orientation of particle drawn as a vector

  109. Particle Analysis --> Turn off counter

  110. Passing parameters to macros using the Dialog.* functions?

  111. Paste new

  112. photos from the Conference

  113. Plugin directory on the server

  114. plugin to read xvid movies

  115. Plugin update: Threshold_Colour

  116. plugins in Java Web Start

  117. porous media analysis

  118. Printing text windows?

  119. Problem ImageCanvas

  120. problem with opening tiff image

  121. Question about autofocus

  122. Question about running ImageJ on a multi-CPU workstation....

  123. RGB stack

  124. ROI help

  125. ROI Manager problem

  126. ROI manager questions

  127. ROI Measure > Display Label Bug

  128. ROI names from ROI Manager not in ROI file?

  129. save file problems

  130. save images in PS format

  131. Scale Bar to a Series of Images

  132. Section Viewer

  133. Segment Measurement Question

  134. Segmentation problem ...

  135. Segmentation Question

  136. Segmenting a line

  137. select a specific 16 bit grayscale intensity for filling a ROI

  138. selecting/coloring all pixels of one value

  139. selecting/coloring all pixels of one value: use a LUT

  140. Serial port communication parameters

  141. Short-term position, NYC area

  142. Surface plot

  143. Swap Quadrants 3D plugin

  144. thank you

  145. TrakEM2 released

  146. Ubsubscribe

  147. unsubscribe

  148. Unsubscribe

  149. unsubscribe

  150. use two plugins directory

  151. version 1.35l

  152. Viewer Applet Crash

  153. Volume rendering from ROI

  154. wand bug with 1.37f ?

  155. WG: intensity correction of z stacks (linear, nonlinear)

  156. What does "IJ.register" method mean?

  157. What is the LUT meaning?

  158. Where is the source of "Process -> Binary -> Threshold"?

  159. [OT] Re: image acquisition from a digital camera
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