IMAGEJ archives -- April 2005

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IMAGEJ archives – April 2005

Table of contents:

  1. %rank from normal distribution

  2. 2005

  3. 2D FFT feature size and orientation

  4. 3D convolution

  5. 3D FHT

  6. <No subject>

  7. @SPAM:Re: FDA approval for medical imaging software

  8. An image hiistogram matching plugin?

  9. Analyze format and ImageJ applet

  10. analyze line graph

  11. analyze particles w/i multiple ROIs, keeping the results separate?

  12. Angiogenesis quantitation

  13. Announcement: 3D discrete distance transform plugin

  14. assymetric blurring

  15. Automatic Threshold

  16. Blocking a plugin till user input is done

  17. bounding box measurement for line selections

  18. capture card

  19. chromatic aberration

  20. circularity -1

  21. Cross correlation and template matching

  22. definition of terms

  23. determining differnet threshold values in flouresence

  24. DIC image Analysis

  25. Dicom Input Output

  26. Drawing Axis over an Image

  27. Exceptions when running a plugin

  28. Excluding particles on selected edges of the image from measurement

  29. FDA approval for medical imaging software

  30. File Type Test

  31. Fill function in ROI manager

  32. FJ Statistics in MultiMeasure

  33. FYI: ImageJ in Journal of Digital Imaging

  34. global access to personal macro functions via StartupMacros.txt (or other)?

  35. help on batchMode strange behaviour

  36. How to make flexible ROI over the images

  37. How to make interactive ?

  38. how to wait for rotation

  39. ICA in imageJ

  40. imagej / grid layer

  41. ImageJ and motorized stage

  42. ImageJ Applet

  43. ImageJ applet embedded in html

  44. ImageJ Crashes Mac OSX

  45. IMAGEJ Digest - 2 Apr 2005 to 4 Apr 2005 (#2005-91)

  46. ImageJ doesn't open after updating MacOSX

  47. imagej for debian/linux

  48. ImageJ on 64bit Linux machine

  49. integration of SWT and ImageJ

  50. Is conditional evaluation of a text string possible with private macro function?

  51. Is multi-line text message with getString() dialog possible?

  52. J2SE 5.0 Update 3 and ImageJ

  53. Job opportunity for Image J programmer for Mac OS X

  54. JOGL and ImageJ

  55. JOGL on ImageJ

  56. Line detection

  57. line detection

  58. linux fonts problem - can you tell what is wrong?

  59. Looking for a programmer to develop ImageJ image acquisition capabilities

  60. Looking for professors in the University of Pennsylvania

  61. LUT change & speed of IJ

  62. LUT change & speed of IJ (a question)

  63. makeSelection() in plugin

  64. max movie size

  65. More colocalisation plugins...

  66. multiple -Dplugins.dir=

  67. Multithreading for multiprocessing in StackProcessor, Slicer?

  68. Nested particles

  69. PBM/PGM/PPM import plugin

  70. Problem reg Calling other plugins

  71. problems printing in unix

  72. QPM

  73. question on accesing codes of imageJ's enhancement features

  74. Question on brightness adjustment and color corection algorithms

  75. Question on edge detection

  76. ratiometric imaging and ratios from ROI(s) again.

  77. Re : Incorporate Macro in Plugin

  78. Read next file

  79. reconstruct text image

  80. Reformating axial images to panoramic images

  81. removal from list

  82. Removal from list

  83. removal from list

  84. repeat particle analysis over staks of images

  85. replacing "\" by "/"

  86. results in excel

  87. Results table limitation

  88. ROI - Measure

  89. ROI unrecognized command?

  90. Run plugin with several images

  91. Running ImageJ from the icon in Linux/Gnome.

  92. runPlugIn() command problem

  93. Save as AVI not working

  94. Save dialog

  95. scroll mouse with stacks

  96. selecting and moving a canvas

  97. SEM particle analysis

  98. setResult("Label") Macro Function

  99. sheath thickness measurements

  100. Signal Intensity

  101. slow file reading from fileserver

  102. st. dev. and mean of graylevel of each image in stack

  103. Stack Normalizer

  104. Statistics on ImageJ Data

  105. Threshold very bright and dark cells in an image

  106. Top Hat Processing

  107. Waiting in a macro

  108. Watershed 3D

  109. WCIF ImageJ MSAntiSpyware false positive

  110. what is the relation of "JPEG quality factor" VS "Quantization table"

  111. Win2000 Problems running IJ 1.33 and 1.34 macros developed in XP

  112. Window Sizing

  113. wrong test after macro calling ??
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