IMAGEJ archives -- November 2004

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IMAGEJ archives – November 2004

Table of contents:

  1. (Fwd) 1D gel analysis

  2. 3D color histogram

  3. <No subject>

  4. A couple of questions about hte results table

  5. Accessing process > binary functions

  6. Adding to text window?

  7. Artifact Reduction Algorithm

  8. astro pics with NIH

  9. AW: plot profile in image j

  10. bimodal distribution analysis

  11. Bug in File > Save as > Compressed TIFF?

  12. Calling macros from macros in MacroRunner

  13. calling plugins from plugins

  14. Certification sheet or other

  15. Change Brightness/Contrast and Threshold of locked images

  16. collecting ROI from specified area

  17. Color Blindness Conversion

  18. combining images?

  19. contour drawings

  20. convert Perkin Elmer images into TIFF

  21. Converting java standalone to a plugin

  22. CT image stack

  23. Define a ZOOM

  24. Display mnc conversion

  25. Editorial Board Member

  26. Editorial Board Member - Answer from G.Bonifazi

  27. EDM - what happens if more than 255

  28. error message when compile plugins

  29. Exception: image too large?

  30. exit from plugin

  31. Extracting text from results table

  32. FileInfo/FileOpener question

  33. Floating Point values

  34. focus on image

  35. Freehand selection and scroll.

  36. Fw: convert Perkin Elmer images into TIFF

  37. Fwd: Define a ZOOM

  38. Gamma Scroll-bar

  39. GrayScale

  40. help with a plugin

  41. Heywood circularity

  42. Histogram list question

  43. image mosaic

  44. Integrate intensity each 10 degrees over a contour cell

  45. Intensity measurements for absolute beginner!

  46. interactive surface plots

  47. JAR plugin question

  48. Labjack i/o device with ImageJ - any experiences here?


  50. looking for grayscale intensity profile extended functionality

  51. MacOSX crashing redux

  52. Macro for listing selection coordinates

  53. Macro for listing selection coordinates no2...

  54. Macro language debugging

  55. Macro questions

  56. marking objects and computing distances in stacks

  57. Mask to ROI and vice versa

  58. New plugin announcement

  59. newbie question - how to draw using transparency?

  60. null pointer with getOriginalFileInfo on zipped tifs

  61. Number Recognition Using ImageJ Example

  62. opening IMG files

  63. plot profile in image j

  64. plot profile question

  65. problem reading PPM images (Portable Bitmap Format)

  66. Problem with Red green correlator plugin

  67. Qicam and java

  68. R: contour drawings

  69. random ROIs

  70. Retrieve DICOM tag

  71. reversed slice remover

  72. Roi Manager question

  73. ROI to mask

  74. ROI to mask (further questions)

  75. Save images as raw 32-bit int

  76. Sharpen

  77. Skin detection

  78. Slice Thickness

  79. Some Error Will Compiled/ Run ij.jar in j2sdk 1.4.2

  80. SPE images; multiframe and Batch_Convert

  81. Stack Alignment

  82. StartupMacros.txt

  83. string to integer into macro

  84. Thresholding ImageProcessor

  85. twain plugin

  86. user interface panel and windows refresh

  87. Using Fourier analysis to measure cell size and shape

  88. wall thickness and motion

  89. WCIF ImageJ Microscopy manual

  90. xy coordinates

  91. Zoom
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