IMAGEJ archives -- February 2004

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IMAGEJ archives – February 2004

Table of contents:

  1. "showing outlines" on OS X 10.3

  2. 3-D convolution?

  3. <No subject>

  4. A 3D editing plugin: more

  5. a plugin to make 3D models

  6. Abs value

  7. Again about using external packages

  8. An update & a new plugin

  9. Applet w/ plugin 1.4.2 crashes browser

  10. Arrays in Java.

  11. avi and windows media player

  12. Basic imaging questions

  13. Bilinear Interpolation

  14. Black and white statistic on vertical lines

  15. black/white background flag?

  16. Bob Dougherty's BandPass2

  17. bug in Image Calculator (?)

  18. calling executables from plugin

  19. calling executables from plugin IS working

  20. camera (proscope)

  21. Chain coded profiles

  22. Coat Colour

  23. colour separation

  24. Colour thresholding plugin

  25. Comments on pluggin organization

  26. composing color images

  27. confused on stack order -OS X quirk

  28. default convolver

  29. device control/quicktime

  30. Directions for MTF Plugin Application

  31. error saving stack after group projection

  32. exporting particle (outlines) to ROI

  33. frequent ImageJ crashes

  34. Gel Analysis

  35. Get all ROI's from ParticleAnalyzer??

  36. Getting values from results table

  37. Gray Level Math

  38. hang on getCurrentImage

  39. Help

  40. Help with Stack

  41. Help with statistics

  42. How can you plot graphs in imagej

  43. How to find the domain size?

  44. Hue Index

  45. Hue rotator plugin by using Stokes vector

  46. IJ.log

  47. IJ.log formatted output & TurboReg

  48. IJ.log()

  49. Image Acquistion!

  50. ImageJ and Linux

  51. ImageJ and Linux libc

  52. ImageJ conflicts with updated glibc-2.3.2

  53. ImageJ on a dual-processor

  54. ImageJ Protein Adsorption Quantification Question

  55. Installing 3D editing

  56. Installing Toolkit 3D (Region Growing)

  57. Interactive Thresholding via macros

  58. Interesting Scroll Bar Behaviour

  59. Java compiler error

  60. JFileChooser and File Opener plugin

  61. Kymograph function

  62. Labeling ROIs

  63. Leica "lei" file format and ImageJ

  64. length and width of plant leaves

  65. length p.s.

  66. local/adaptive/dynamic thresholding

  67. LUT color bar

  68. Magnify Tool

  69. manual outline

  70. Maximum entropy thresholding?

  71. measuring intensity of 'particles'

  72. not able to save stack after using grouped z projector

  73. obtaining X-Y coordinates of objects

  74. OCR Plugin?

  75. Oval Roi

  76. Particle positions help

  77. passed parameter getting changed in originating macro?

  78. pixels from a non-rectangular ROI.

  79. Please Remove from List

  80. Plot Profile repeated in macro

  81. Plugin for multi-level thresholding and multi-band clustering

  82. Possible? RGB Values for each pixel?

  83. problem installing ImageJ on XP

  84. Problem with 'Multi-VFF opener'

  85. problem with wand tool

  86. problems with QT capture

  87. Radial Profile and RGB profiler

  88. Re : Coat Colour

  89. Re : Hue Index

  90. Remove from List

  91. Remove from list

  92. Remove from List

  93. Results window problem

  94. ROI Question

  95. ROI_Importer: trouble with scientific notation

  96. Save as command and macros

  97. Save XY coordinates

  98. Script language

  99. selection question

  100. selection question (a suggestion)

  101. Serialization of ij.gui.Roi and its subclasses

  102. Serialization of ROI class and its sublclasses

  103. Shape descriptors

  104. Shortcut for File --> Open, strange behaviour

  105. show dialog - access image

  106. showing threshold adjusting only on several slices

  107. sign off imageJ interest group

  108. Skeletonize

  109. Skeletonize - question

  110. Some questions/requests

  111. Spectral analysis

  112. Speeding up imageJ

  113. Speeding up ImageJ

  114. Speeding up ImageJ - FPGA

  115. Starting imageJ with a Macro as default.

  116. Still looking for 3D convolver...

  117. Submitting plugins?

  118. Thresholding and image segmentation

  119. Tiff vs. Jpeg Image "Calibration"

  120. Two compartment model

  121. Uniblitz, QT under VM 1.4+. OS X

  122. Using Toolbar outside of ImageJ

  123. VolumeJ options?

  124. whoops: p.s. length

  125. Why 1.31v pop up errorment?

  126. window and help menus?

  127. Window/Level

  128. Writing into a stack?

  129. Xcode for ImageJ plugins?

  130. Yves Collenot est absent.

  131. Z-Profile with markers
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