IMAGEJ archives -- December 2003

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IMAGEJ archives – December 2003

Table of contents:

  1. "denoise" bug

  2. "Out of memory" message

  3. 2 ROIS into 2 variables

  4. <No subject>

  5. Algorithm of edge detection process

  6. ANG: Re: Watershed algorithm class names clashes

  7. Automatic image analysis

  8. AW: save coordinates

  9. Bug in plotWindow ?

  10. centered ROI

  11. cheap firewire video within ImageJ

  12. combining two plugins

  13. Convert serial tiff files to a single pic file

  14. Coolpix. ImageJ

  15. counting pixels of a certain color.

  16. DC-1 and ImageJ

  17. Dialog box automatic response - or equal ?

  18. Dialog file filter problems

  19. display image selection

  20. DO-IT-ALL ImageJ!...

  21. e: Enhance Contrast Function

  22. erode particles to one pixel

  23. Euler angles

  24. Fura-2 (calcium) and other ratios: new plugin

  25. getting a list of file names

  26. histogram bins

  27. Histogram...

  28. Histograms, contrast, and macros

  29. Hit-or-miss erosion question

  30. how to set the slice thickness ?

  31. HSB stack merger/tir off menues

  32. Image calculator

  33. Image PCA plugin

  34. Image shape x-y analysis

  35. imageJ add-Ons

  36. imagej and quicktime on PC

  37. ImageJ applet with Preloaded "raw" image(s) - How to ?

  38. ImageJ on Red Hat Enterprise Linux 3

  39. Installing ImageJ in the Zaurus running OpenZaurus 3.3.5

  40. javac compiler

  41. LUT problem ?

  42. Macro function setColor()

  43. macro: Setting interactively an ROI from inside a macro

  44. Measurement from ROI into variable in plugin

  45. Morphology plugins - update

  46. MultiMeasure errors (was Re: ROI Manager Keyboard Shortcuts)

  47. Multiple Line Segmentation - Any hint?

  48. NIH Image macros

  49. Note for astronomy users

  50. OT: Happy Xmas

  51. Out of memory errors

  52. Perimeter Pixels

  53. possible bug report regarding Roi.clone() method.

  54. Problem with mousePressed (again !)

  55. QT capture and OS X 10.3

  56. QTJ 1.4.1, OS X 10.3 and QT capture

  57. questions on PlotWindow labels

  58. QuickTime VR plugins

  59. Radius of curvature - how to measure it for rod-shaped particles ?

  60. Ratio calculator plugin - update available

  61. RE : javac compiler

  62. RE : LUT problem ?

  63. refreshing changed files from disk?

  64. ResultsTable using ImageJ as library

  65. ROI Manager Keyboard Shortcuts

  66. save coordinates

  67. selectImage() speed?

  68. SPE files in Handle Extra File Types

  69. Standardising greytone values between photos

  70. surface plot

  71. trolling for introductory book

  72. turboreg

  73. unable to load plugin (acc)

  74. User-defined LUT in "Images | LUT >" menu

  75. VolumeJ

  76. VolumeJ, SurfaceJ, FlowJ, PCA, MI and more plugins

  77. Watershed algorithm class names clashes

  78. Yves Collenot est absent.

  79. [OT] how to buy a cheap camera
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