IMAGEJ archives -- August 2003

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IMAGEJ archives – August 2003

Table of contents:

  1. .SPE data format (Princeton scientific instruments) / VolumeJ, FlowJ support now real soon.

  2. .SPE data format (Princeton scientific instruments) / VolumeJ,FlowJ support now real soon.

  3. 12-bit image processing...

  4. 3d manipulation

  5. 3D-Fourier transformation

  6. : RE: Image Stitching.

  7. <No subject>

  8. a video capture plugin for pco camera

  9. About actual mouse position

  10. About the nonuniformity of brightness.

  11. Adding Points to a Cubic Spline

  12. anyone doing 3D volume registration?

  13. AW: Anfrage per Internet

  14. AW: Sobel Filter Code

  15. Basic question - Analyze particles for mean grey value

  16. basic question: creating new Stacks

  17. Be careful, Virus! RE: Re: Your application

  18. Belkin Image capture

  19. Beta testers for CCD camera support plug-in

  20. BioRad Reader - Hypervolumes?

  21. bmp saving in 1.31e

  22. call system command from plug-in or Macro

  23. Calling Menu Commands

  24. cell counting

  25. Corpus Callosum

  26. Correction: no problem deconvolving with Process>FFT>FD Math...

  27. cross section analysis

  28. Details

  29. developing macro-recordable plugins?

  30. Dicom plugins in Mac OS X

  31. Different views...

  32. drawing a polygon

  33. Fdf file format

  34. FITS format images: placement of origin ?

  35. FracLacCirc plugin

  36. gel and Western blot analysis

  37. getting the xValues array from a PlotWindow

  38. gray to RGB and back to gray?

  39. Gray Value Label on Profile Plot

  40. Graylevels of 16bit Metamorph stacks

  41. Grouped_ZProjector

  42. GUI crashes on Windows XP and Java 1.4.2

  43. Has Vol.J changed?

  44. help enclose

  45. Help Overlaying Graphics

  46. Help: Mouse

  47. HELP: TextPanel getCell

  48. Hole fill binary processing command

  49. How can I remove the 1. line in the Results window?

  50. How to get the correct size.

  51. How to get the values shown on the statusbar

  52. how to learn java?

  53. I-J opens files as channels

  54. Image aquisition device that will work with ImageJ

  55. Image capture and ImagJ and Microscopes

  56. Image PCA plugin

  57. image stitching

  58. Image>Scale... On a stack?

  59. ImageCanvas changes upon manual window resizing

  60. ImageJ : cross correlation

  61. IMAGEJ Digest - 7 Aug 2003 to 9 Aug 2003 (#2003-197)

  62. Infected computers (Sobig virus)

  63. Lack of available memory

  64. Leica to MM conversion

  65. Low cost image capture system

  66. Macro run out of sequence

  67. manipulating real and imaginary parts of FFT?

  68. Measure distance

  69. Measure distance - Thanks and a new short question about

  70. memory

  71. multipleROIs

  72. My details

  73. new Process/ FFT/ FD Math commands

  74. NIH group

  75. NIH group....interesting site

  76. object orientate programming for PlugIns

  77. Out of memory

  78. Paint function

  79. partially dialog box

  80. PICS support

  81. problem with Jpeg_Writer plugin under MacOS 9

  82. Qiong Dailey/486274/US/EKC is on vacation.

  83. Quantitation of pixel intensities

  84. Questions about ImageProcessor

  85. Regarding time and calibration

  86. register

  87. request: ImageProcessor details

  88. resizing BMP's

  89. reslicing

  90. running macros from command line

  91. Réf. : how to learn java?

  92. save as dicom ?

  93. setting default for Process>Add Specified Noise... ?

  94. Sobel Filter Code

  95. Strange results using the wand

  96. test

  97. Thank you!

  98. Time Lapse image acq plugin

  99. Time lapse image acquisition plugin?

  100. virtual memory

  101. volumeJ advice

  102. Why is 16->8 bit image conversion done this way?

  103. Wicked screensaver

  104. window and help menus?

  105. xy coordinates of max

  106. Your application
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