IMAGEJ archives -- May 2003

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IMAGEJ archives – May 2003

Table of contents:

  1. 14 processes for one ImageJ on linux

  2. 16-bit Z Axis Profile

  3. 18% gray camera calibration

  4. 2D/3D Deconvolution plugin

  5. 3D and imageJ

  6. 3D center of mass

  7. 3D Reconstruction

  8. 550 line script runs great!

  9. <No subject>

  10. ? Re: Uniformity in NM

  11. adding slices to a stack

  12. Another annoying nuclear medicine question!!!

  13. areas of irregularly-shaped objects

  14. AW: Drawing tablet and ImageJ?

  15. AW: Saving in ASCII format

  16. axon counts

  17. Counting 3D particles?

  18. Counting holes in an object

  19. Counting holes... (more questions)

  20. custom roi

  21. Drawing an ROI on separate images in a stack

  22. Drawing tablet and ImageJ?

  23. DV camera driver

  24. error trying to import packages -

  25. extract image from stack

  26. figuring out image mime type

  27. fileinfo parameter info

  28. FW: fileinfo parameter info

  29. grid for random sampling

  30. Help regarding stacks, memory, analysis

  31. how to interface with external/custom packages?

  32. How to save Log window content from macro?

  33. Image directory

  34. Image J and Atomic force Pictures

  35. Image Locked error

  36. ImageJ & Matlab

  37. ImageJ and plugins and volume

  38. ImageProcessor weirdness - null pointer exception

  39. Interest in VTK....

  40. Issue with PCP (Plugins Panel)

  41. Java 1.4 and ImageJ

  42. JBuilder debug info

  43. List container

  44. Macro errors

  45. Macro question: How to get IDs of multiple images?

  46. Maintaining ROIs from RGB to split out single color image

  47. Masked Math

  48. measure white area

  49. Memory Allocation

  50. Microscope stage

  51. More Wish List...

  52. multiple analysis

  53. New Mailinglist for Zeiss KS300/400-software users

  54. number of images

  55. Passing non-numeric text result to macro

  56. pause the plugin running

  57. plot of X and y values of a certain pixel intensity

  58. Plugin & System.loadLibrary

  59. pouse the plug in running after pressing a button

  60. Problem in running Dicom Plugins

  61. Problem with loops in a macro

  62. pseudo-color palettes to grayscale

  63. PVCAM driver or driver tutorial?

  64. read a dicom tag

  65. reading DICOM tag

  66. Recent changes to ImageJ or WinXP?

  67. reslicing

  68. Save and restore ROI from a plugin

  69. Saving altered images as JPEG files

  70. Saving in ASCII format

  71. Scion package for Image J

  72. Script/Macro Tips (Was: 500 line script runs great!)

  73. Script/Macro Tips: Image and Text window access.

  74. sector?

  75. segmentation/watershed algorithm

  76. selecting specific coloured pixels

  77. Selections

  78. Serial i/o redux

  79. set B&C and have changes persist through newly opened images.

  80. side stack viewer

  81. Size limit

  82. Slightly off topic: mouse down repeater

  83. SVG (Scalable Vector Graphic) Support

  84. Thermonuclear cleanup macro function.

  85. Tracing fibers

  86. two simple questions

  87. Uniformity in NM

  88. updating DicomDictionary

  89. VTK on OS X

  90. Windows XP and JBuilder8
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