IMAGEJ archives -- February 2003

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IMAGEJ archives – February 2003

Table of contents:

  1. <No subject>

  2. About awt.Graphics in ImageJ, was : help needed using masks or similars

  3. About class relationship

  4. About Undo

  5. Anthony Dendle/Staff/Griffith is out of the office.

  6. Bezier curves

  7. bugs in macro/script editor?

  8. butterworth

  9. circularity

  10. CMY color merge

  11. color distribution?

  12. command line

  13. coregistry of image stacks

  14. DICOM Plugins!

  15. doc/summary of macros capabilities?

  16. documentation for javax.comm.mac package

  17. Exception using Plugins/Analyze_reader

  18. Filter wheel/camera control

  19. Frame Grabbers

  20. Gamma Correction & Histogram Region Selectable for view

  21. Grid Based Method...

  22. help needed using masks or similars

  23. help to unsubscribe; sorry

  24. Histogram list of all slices within a stack

  25. Histrogram Equalisation & Histrogram Modification

  26. how can I do a depth coded image from a stack?

  27. How can I have non-cubic voxel in ImageJ?

  28. I need help~

  29. Imagej crashes when using plugin's sliders

  30. instructions for writing macros

  31. Jakob Walter/ZH/BASF-AG/BASF ist abwesend.

  32. Lossless image/stack compression ?

  33. making movie for powerpoint presentation from jpeg or other forma ts

  34. Molecular Imaging STP file format

  35. Movie opener plugin

  36. Multiple Measurements

  37. needed help with LUT

  38. percent of area covered

  39. PixelSmart announces ImageJ plugin for our line of Video Frame Grabbers

  40. problem solved

  41. Problem to run ScnImage under NT4

  42. Problem with measurements - revised

  43. Problem with measurements?

  44. Problem with thresholding from macro

  45. Problem with thresholding on MacOS with 1.30f

  46. quantization algorithm

  47. Save As BMP & PNG

  48. Selecting a series in a stack

  49. selecting a series in a stack THANKS!

  50. short courses

  51. Signed to unsigned and back

  52. simple things that would speed up my work a lot

  53. stack animation on Mac: fast in Classic, slow in OS X?

  54. string manip, quotes, syntax in macro language?

  55. subtract each slice from next in stack

  56. texture

  57. Volume Calculation:
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