IMAGEJ archives -- October 2002

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IMAGEJ archives – October 2002

Table of contents:

  1. "Note: has been deprecated"

  2. <No subject>

  3. adjusting B & C in stacks

  4. Analyze --> Analyse Particles | Show

  5. analyze .obj files

  6. Automation of file access

  7. Automation of file access (update)

  8. AVI Reader plugin

  9. B&C problems

  10. bone densitometry

  11. Calculating the "straightness" of a line

  12. Command line tool & ImageJ

  13. Create Image

  14. define the shape of particles

  15. determining local maxima along a line

  16. dicom - ImageJ bug

  17. Dicom header info

  18. Error message problem

  19. Export results

  20. Export results from Particle analysis

  21. FeatureJ

  22. from RGB to CMYK

  23. getInterpolatedPixel(x,y)

  24. HELP..problem converting 24 bit RGB -> 8 bit Indexed

  25. how to fit in the DICOM decoder

  26. Image Annotation Capability

  27. Image registration

  28. ImageJ & ColdFusion

  29. ImageJ : distance between neighbors

  30. ImageJ and AppleScript

  31. Importing user packages in ImageJ

  32. Installing a macro

  33. J2ME/CLDC, CMUcam, robotic use of some ImageJ APIs

  34. Java string split

  35. Macro to execute the "Copy" button of a plot

  36. Mask

  37. Memory problem: -Xmx stops at 1.6 GByte

  38. newbie osx classpath question

  39. opening ImagePro files in ImageJ

  40. Plugin for Calculation of Bone Structure

  41. plugin lost in hd crash

  42. Possible bug in ImagJ-1.29

  43. problem with compiling plugins

  44. Problem with stack remove/replace

  45. Raw file Opener help

  46. recorded macro personalization..

  47. ROI

  48. ROIs-- Different polygonal ROIs for each slice in a stack?

  49. ROI_Manager

  50. save/restore a freehand line

  51. shape descriptors

  52. test mail

  53. Text file to image file

  54. Virtual binding warnings

  55. Volume and surface area plugins (was: )

  56. Volume measuring bug in Sync Measure 3D

  57. wayne : brightness and contrast
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