IMAGEJ archives -- September 2002

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IMAGEJ archives – September 2002

Table of contents:

  1. 16-bit calibration

  2. 32 bit images

  3. 3D Orthogonal Viewer

  4. <No subject>

  5. a possible virus

  6. adding scollable pane

  7. API usage question

  8. Byte swapping

  9. color analysis

  10. Correction for background illumination irregularities

  11. define the shape of particles

  12. dicom - ImageJ bug

  13. FFT

  14. Fit Ellipse

  15. fluorescence levels and analyze particle mean

  16. Frame Grabber

  17. going over to imageJ issues

  18. Grid ROI?

  19. Help on MouseListener

  20. How do I deconvolve a BioRad confocal Z-series stack?

  21. How to access the value of an area in a program ?

  22. how to analyse on line (while recording)

  23. How to get histogram of irregular ROI (polygon)

  24. How to shift from one image to another ?

  25. how to write live capture window ?

  26. image math

  27. Image must be 8-bit Error

  28. Image Registration

  29. ImageJ 1.28/1.29 forgetting shortcuts

  30. ImageJ 1.29 forgetting settings after quit

  31. ImageJ 1.29f Macros

  32. import xy coordinates for a segmented line

  33. importing file (ROI_Importer base)

  34. instructions for writing macros

  35. interpolated scaling

  36. J2ME/CLDC, CMUcam, robotic use of some ImageJ APIs

  37. Java debugger that will import imagej project?

  38. Macros - next comes the venerable serial port!

  39. Memory when running imagej as an applet

  40. minor problem with analyze plugin

  41. Need help loading a second image to ImageJ

  42. New version of "reslice" command

  43. perimeter calculation

  44. Printing issues in ImageJ v1.24t

  45. Problem reloading ImageJ - classloader cache

  46. Reading multiple DICOM images in correct order

  47. Region growing code

  48. register

  49. Save PlotWindow automatically

  50. Saving an RGB color stack

  51. ShortProcessor

  52. Snappy Frame Grabber

  53. Split and merge code

  54. stack of 16-bit images?

  55. Tree ring analysis

  56. unsubscribe

  57. using value from results table to do a rotation within a macro?

  58. using value from results table to do a rotation within amacro?

  59. Working with byte[] arrays

  60. xy coordinates along a curve

  61. xy coordinates along a curve - another question
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