IMAGEJ archives -- August 2002

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IMAGEJ archives – August 2002

Table of contents:

  1. : Problem with stacks in ImageJ

  2. <No subject>

  3. a question about shape description

  4. Analyze Particles Command

  5. Automatic B&C manipulation

  6. B+C for RGB images in 1.28p?

  7. Boundary and ROI...

  8. Boundary Image...

  9. Boundary...

  10. Calculating time

  11. can I count particles in thousands of images automatically?

  12. Can't get x or yCenterOfMass

  13. cannot run the plugin twice

  14. colocalisation pictures

  15. Compressed Tiffs

  16. Connecting to Websites Using File/Import/URL...

  17. copy and paste transparent slices of one stack to another

  18. copy and paste transparent slices of one stack to another (fwd)

  19. copy ROI

  20. Copy/Paste of transparent images

  21. creating a batch counting plugin with watershed

  22. Fw: NewContrastAdjuster [SOS requested]

  23. getID_of_image

  24. help...

  25. help... (missing appropriate Subject in mail header!)

  26. Hoistogram Troubles

  27. How to Analyze Membrane

  28. How to make ImageJ work as an applet under any browser

  29. how to open edb or sdb file

  30. IJ_Prefs.txt - update

  31. image display update question

  32. Image registration

  33. image->adjust->threshold error

  34. ImageJ applet, VolumeJ and Java PlugIn 1.4

  35. IMAGEJ Digest - 12 Aug 2002 to 13 Aug 2002 (#2002-192)

  36. IMAGEJ Digest - 19 Aug 2002 to 20 Aug 2002 (#2002-199)

  37. ImagePlus class question

  38. ImagePlus class question - some research

  39. Import image sequence bug?

  40. Internet Explorer fails to Launch

  41. KeyListener update

  42. Line profile vs time from movie (stack)

  43. linking results to the image when analysing particles

  44. max. file size?

  45. min and max

  46. Modifying Key Listener

  47. montage scale error MacOSX/Analyze

  48. Need help with 8-bit greyscale discrepancies

  49. non-applet URLs

  50. one more question about roi's

  51. our of memory

  52. out of memory problem

  53. Perplexity regarding keyPress repetition on Mac OS 9

  54. PGM file format

  55. Plugins for MetaImage and VTK image formats available

  56. Progress Bar

  57. Project Help Needed

  58. ROI elasticity

  59. ROI question

  60. Saving as "x-y coordinates" at line intersections

  61. SH & WBV quantification

  62. Shortcut for debug mode

  63. Surface plot...

  64. Text windows.

  65. the setMinAndMax method

  66. Tracking multiple objects

  67. Tracking objects

  68. Twain drivers

  69. Use of progress bar

  70. Using as a toolkit

  71. Zooming in with PC and OSX
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