IMAGEJ archives -- July 2002

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IMAGEJ archives – July 2002

Table of contents:

  1. 16 bit image correlator

  2. 3D co-ordinates

  3. 3D measurement question

  4. <No subject>

  5. Analyze->Surface Plot... options

  6. Arbitrary Fourier Filter: How to get Real+Imag. parts from FFT_

  7. average

  8. average... still bad

  9. Background correct 16bit grayscale images

  10. batch process

  11. Blaze MediaConvert (uncompressed TIFF version)

  12. Boundary coordenadas and centroid...

  13. bug with java 1.4?

  14. button and general dialogs

  15. CA Ratio

  16. calling JFrame from my menu

  17. can't return from my mousePressed()

  18. cannot run the plugin twice

  19. changing default animation speed

  20. Compile & Run

  21. Creating "empty" stack with same heigh/width/depth

  22. CT images

  23. Customizable Toolbar (was: Re: IMAGEJ > Feature request : better circular ROI drawing )

  24. Customizable Toolbar (was: Re: IMAGEJ > Feature request : bettercircular ROI drawing )

  25. Daniel A Belka/506860/US/EKC is out of the office.

  26. defining a circular ROI

  27. deprecation questions

  28. DICOM import/export

  29. DICOM import/export on Mac

  30. DICOM import/export: FileSystemTreePanel Error

  31. Displaying a results table

  32. Fitter or Curve Fitter class

  33. Fractal dimension calculation

  34. FW: Compile & Run

  35. Fwd: tracking

  36. How to identify compressed tiff...

  37. How to save images from scripts..

  38. image j under windows XP

  39. IMAGEJ > Feature request : better circular ROI drawing

  40. imageJ on IRIX

  41. ImageJ on Sun's 1.4.0

  42. ImageJ question

  43. IMAGEJ> Need explanation of ImageJ ROI's

  44. import raw (how to read in avi files in linux)

  45. JAI ImageIO plugins v.1.0.4

  46. Java debugger that will import imagej project?

  47. Java-1.4.0

  48. JPEG memory

  49. Key listener inconsistencies in a plugin

  50. Making pixel transparent?

  51. Matching brightness and contrast across two or more images/stacks

  52. Matching brightness and contrast across two stacks?

  53. Measure of FWMH

  54. Memory use.

  55. MINC file format reader for ImgaeJ?

  56. more about volumeJ

  57. more on volumeJ

  58. new acquisition plugin for Scion grabber

  59. Northern Blot Densitometry

  60. null pointer exception

  61. OS X zoom behavior

  62. pattern matching

  63. Plug-in help: Mouse still down in an awt button

  64. Plugin for capturing movies from QuickTime video sources

  65. Possible Use of ImageJ to SuperImpose the Image of a Grid over a Web-Based Tissue Image

  66. problem setting image calibration

  67. question regarding the ROI

  68. R: IMAGEJ > Feature request : better circular ROI drawing

  69. ROI masks

  70. roi masks

  71. roi Masks

  72. scale when convert

  73. Scion LG-3 board plugins for ImageJ - odd problem

  74. Selecting ROI's in Linux version of ImageJ

  75. seti@imageJ

  76. shortcut for imageJ on IRIX

  77. shortcut for ImageJ on IRIX

  78. Slices name in stack and automatic angle correction

  79. Standard Deviation of Gaussian Blur

  80. subtract average

  81. subtract image

  82. The frustration with ROI's builds

  83. the particle analyzer and the results table

  84. Twain code

  85. Using as a toolkit

  86. Using the ROI

  87. volumeJ help

  88. Voronoi analysis
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