IMAGEJ archives -- May 2002

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IMAGEJ archives – May 2002

Table of contents:

  1. 3-D Imaging

  2. 3-D samples

  3. 3D blind deconvolution in ImageJ?

  4. 3D distance measurement plugin?

  5. <No subject>

  6. a lot of images

  7. A new game

  8. A new website

  9. Accessing ROIs from ROI Manager

  10. adding filenames to a stack

  11. adding two plugins

  12. align

  13. area analysis of stack image

  14. At the beginning of this article.

  15. Automation of image import and length determination

  16. AVI reader plugin for ImageJ?

  17. Bands on white-background JPEG images

  18. batch processing of stacks and saving results

  19. Blind deconvolution in ImageJ?

  20. Camera calibration

  21. colour coded depth projection

  22. command line tool that uses ImageJ question

  23. converting RGB stacks to 8 bit color

  24. Counting particles

  25. Counting particles II

  26. De-Interlacing

  27. decompile multi-tif

  28. Display results in columns.

  29. Documentation of fields in

  30. DT3155 frame grabber under Image-J ?

  31. Encapsulated PostScript

  32. Forming a 3-D image from a stack

  33. Fractal Box Count

  34. Fwd: re: Re: batch processing of stacks and saving results

  35. Fwd: Surface plots...

  36. Generic dialog...

  37. Image registration and alignment

  38. Image Sequence Import bug?

  39. ImageJ plugin for QImaging firewire cameras on their site

  40. ImageJ: Is there a clean way to write a command line tool that uses ImageJ

  41. interference filter plugin

  42. interference filter plugin..... Thanks!

  43. Is there a way to define an anulus?

  44. ISP Question (USA) - no ImageJ content

  45. JavaScript editor installation

  46. Limited compression options for writing QT movies?

  47. LUT used for thresholding

  48. mag and alignment

  49. Mailing list subject

  50. Mark and Count Tool

  51. Metamorph's "Remove Haze" in ImageJ?

  52. missing import menu item

  53. Need some references

  54. New plugin process

  55. nih and magnitudes

  56. operations on pixels

  57. Part 10 (DICOMDIR) Plugin - BETA

  58. plugIns for tiff 6 (compressed) and pcx

  59. Plugins with ImageJ as an applet

  60. Problem loading images

  61. Process-->Filters...

  62. Questionnaire

  63. quick question

  64. Quicktime movie opener

  65. register

  66. registration of two stacks

  67. Revisited: RGB to Spectrum/Intensity conversion/ better use HSV or HSB

  68. RGB etc and MATLAB

  69. RGB to Spectrum/Intensity conversion

  70. Stack Histogram questions

  71. stack trace

  72. Stamping Calibration

  73. stereo projections

  74. Surface plots IN COLOUR!

  75. Surface plots in VolumeJ/Matlab .m data files.

  76. Surface plots...

  77. the source code of imageJ

  78. Threshold...

  79. To group dicom image

  80. Tool for Blank Field Image

  81. turn color on/off

  82. Update on TurboReg

  83. virus from

  84. VolumeJ 1.50b

  85. Worm Klez.E immunity
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