IMAGEJ archives -- October 2001

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IMAGEJ archives – October 2001

Table of contents:

  1. "Fix Scale" in fluorescence image capture

  2. "Remove haze" and other stories

  3. 3d projections better in Y than X

  4. 3D-projections and import sequence

  5. about imagej and swing

  6. Analyze Particle

  7. Analyzing particle intensity

  8. Ant build file for ImageJ

  9. AVI header problem

  10. brightness/contrast problem w/Fluoview plugin

  11. color images

  12. Continued ROI woes

  13. Crashes

  14. editable min and max

  15. Error in Jview

  16. FFT filter out of memory

  17. Filetype data (not) in ImageJ-created files on Mac OS?

  18. - why a space in super("Curve Fitter") ?


  20. GaussianBlur Kernel coefficients

  21. geog LUT

  22. How can I make "shortcuts" stick through relaunch?

  23. How to increase ImageJ memory in Mac?

  24. How to make a plugin "autorun" on ImageJ launch?

  25. IimageJ and LeicaDC300

  26. IJ_Prefs.txt not being written on my machine - anyone else seen this?

  27. Image alignment problem

  28. Image alignment with optical flow (Davide Viggiano)

  29. ImageJ performance under Mac OS X 10.1

  30. measuring multiple ROIs simultaneously

  31. Measuring total signal from an area

  32. Memory in OSX

  33. multiple ROI

  34. Need help with test for mouse event modifier

  35. online API doesn't show ij.util package

  36. OSX - Can't Compile Multi-file Plugin

  37. particles in RGB slices

  38. Pb w/ PolygonRoi ?

  39. Pb while compiling and running plugins

  40. Plugin interface to ImageCanvas.zoomIn(x,y)

  41. Plugin management

  42. preferences

  43. R: Re: Image alignment problem

  44. re "Remove haze" and other stories

  45. reducing a stack to 8 bit color

  46. Results window empty

  47. retrieving date/time information in plugins

  48. ROI analysis of time-series data (was RE: Continued ROI woes)

  49. saving files in reversed byte order

  50. stacks

  51. Still multiple ROIs

  52. Subtract Problem

  53. surface plots

  54. TransformJ revisited

  55. Using B&C controls during editing

  56. what makes RoiManager a plugin?

  57. window tile and cascade

  58. windowcenter and windowwidth in imageJ
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