IMAGEJ archives -- May 2001

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IMAGEJ archives – May 2001

Table of contents:

  1. "Global Calibration" check box???

  2. "text image" of ROI

  3. adjusting individual slice in 16 bit stacks

  4. angle tool?

  5. AW: Volume rendering plugin problems with ImageJ 1.22 and higher

  6. Behaviour of ContrastAdjuster concerning image locks

  7. changing and scaling the cursor for mark and count?

  8. changing colour for draw

  9. ConvertToMovie equivalent

  10. Dialog boxes

  11. DICOM reader

  12. DV camera for microscopy

  13. FireWire camera control and QuickTime

  14. fits

  15. Frequency domain filtering

  16. importing images from efilm or pacs

  17. losing Hotkeys?

  18. macro language

  19. Macro language useage

  20. molecular weight determination

  21. morphological determinations

  22. New bug with "clear outside for stacks"

  23. plugins requires java

  24. plugins requiring Java 2 and Mac OS 8

  25. QT plugin no longer works

  26. Question regarding stack averaging

  27. reading paths from a text file?

  28. resize

  29. sampling TWAIN devices

  30. Saving stack as quicktime movie for dummies/PC users

  31. Stack combiner plugin

  32. stack issues

  33. Stacks: how to save original image filenames?

  34. Tile windows

  35. trouble understanding version numbers at ImageJ site

  36. unsubscribe

  37. Volume rendering plugin problems with ImageJ 1.22 and higher

  38. Zeiss Axiocam
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