IMAGEJ archives -- March 2001

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IMAGEJ archives – March 2001

Table of contents:

  1. Achim Kirsch, Evotec OAI, ist außer Haus.

  2. Can imagej take command line arguments?

  3. can't download plugins

  4. desperately seeking to exceed 32 K macros file limit

  5. ERF and ERFC in Java???

  6. Error Message

  7. error w/QuickTime plug ins

  8. Executing an external app under Windows ME and Linux

  9. feret diameter

  10. FITS

  11. flip

  12. flipping

  13. flipping thanks

  14. help with window and levelling...

  15. HSI->RGB conversions

  16. IJ.showMessage, tabs,MultiLineLabel & FontMetrics

  17. Image/J and Mac OSX 10.0

  18. John P Grace/ADD_LAKE_HUB/ADD_HUB/ADD/US is out of the offic

  19. JPEG/GIF decoders?

  20. lut open plugin

  21. Magnafire in IMAGEJ Digest (#2001-49)

  22. Making Plugins

  23. Math. Morphology

  24. memory problems

  25. Newcomer to ImageJ

  26. one more thought re: divide and conquer and 32 K limit, 16-bit images

  27. OT?: Stack size

  28. Paint: out of memory

  29. Plug-in that shows copying ROI from one image to same place in another

  30. printing problem

  31. R: Re: Newcomer to ImageJ

  32. Scripting Language?

  33. sorry, last to msgs were for NIH Image list

  34. thanks
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