IMAGEJ archives -- January 2001

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IMAGEJ archives – January 2001

Table of contents:

  1. "Gel plot"?

  2. 2D histograms (fluorograms)

  3. 3D wand?

  4. 3D wand? (stack histograms)

  5. 3d-segmentation

  6. 3D-segmentation

  7. 3d-segmentation

  8. 4 channel Tiffs (16 bits/channel)

  9. <No subject>

  10. Apply LUT

  11. auto threshold

  12. Canny edge detector plugin?

  13. combining grayscale images to form RGB image

  14. converting 8-bit unsigned TIFF to 16-bit unsigned TIFF?

  15. copying ROI to a new image?

  16. Decoding and encoding LZW-compressed TIFF

  17. FAQ: What is fastest way to run ImageJ in Windows?

  18. Fonts and size in main menu and dialogs

  19. Formatting Stacks for use on PowerPoints on PC's

  20. Help with an image program

  21. HistogramWindow with (Re: auto threshold)

  22. Hough transform for ImageJ

  23. How actual animation speed is limited?

  24. How to activate an window

  25. How to activate an window?

  26. ImageJ

  27. IMAGEJ Digest - 25 Dec 2000 to 2 Jan 2001 (#2001-1)

  28. Is there a plugin for an eraser tool

  29. LUTs for PET images

  30. Measuring Angles

  31. Montage to Stack

  32. Multiple ROIs

  33. Multiple ROIs (drawing color

  34. need help!

  35. Online

  36. Online editing

  37. orthogonal views

  38. out of memory error in Netscape

  39. Plug-ins for Zip compressed TIFF

  40. Plugin to calibrate tiffs with color table assigned.

  41. plugins

  42. problems with raw images

  43. Q: compiling ImageJ on a Macintosh?

  44. Q: creating a more general convolution plugin?

  45. R: Re: plugins

  46. Roi movement via arrow keys stop 1 pixel too early

  47. Saving 32 bit image saved as a text image limited to x.xx

  48. selecting multiple non-contiguous regions of Interest with the wand (tracing tool)-

  49. stack threshold to cut

  50. Thresholding of 16 bit stack?

  51. tracking particle identification after interaction

  52. What is fastest way to run ImageJ in Windows?

  53. window size problems

  54. yes, I really want to use CodeWarrior to compile ij
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