IMAGEJ archives -- June 2000

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IMAGEJ archives – June 2000

Table of contents:

  1. 12-bit jpeg image

  2. 2d to 3d

  3. Accuracy

  4. Adding text to an image

  5. adding to/subtracting from ROI's

  6. Adobe software-TIFF

  7. Animate slices

  8. Another graph to data problem

  9. Applying Saved Calibration File

  10. brightness/contrast

  11. DICOM questions

  12. digest

  13. GFP in Motion II : Call for Contributions

  14. graph to data

  15. Graph to Data

  16. Handling ROI in ImageJ

  17. How set font in plugin?

  18. Ignore message: Re: Problems with TIF image

  19. Image/J Macro Language

  20. ImageJ and Windows Systems

  21. Java plugin manual

  22. Javac errors

  23. JRE 1.1.8 vs. 1.3 (Java2) [ was: Which JDK should I get? 1.1.8 or 2 ? ]

  24. Launch plug-in from buttons

  25. Mouse Events

  26. Off Topic Question : how to know JPEG size from byte[];

  27. opening tif images

  28. overlapping particles and analyze particles

  29. P.S.

  30. particle analysis in ImageJ

  31. Plug-in for QT movies

  32. problem of "Plugin not found"

  33. Problems with TIF image

  34. Ray Tracing Tool

  35. Rereat two commands

  36. serial communications

  37. SGI Movie file open and header display

  38. Twain module in ImageJ

  39. Using ImageJ in command line mode

  40. Which JDK should I get? 1.1.8 or 2 ?

  41. Window focus in ImageJ
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