ARLINGTON, Va., October 5, 2007 - Lt Gen Charles E. Croom, Jr., Director, Defense Information Systems Agency (DISA) announced today two recipients of Presidential Rank Awards for 2007.

The Presidential Rank Awards are given annually by the President and are the highest recognition that career senior executive service members can receive. The rank of Distinguished Executive may only be awarded to one percent of the government-wide executive corps, and the rank of Meritorious Executive may only be awarded to five percent of the government-wide executive corps.
This year DISA has two award winners: Mr. Larry Huffman and Mr. Dave Mihelcic; both won Meritorious Executive awards.

Mr. Huffman's results-oriented leadership epitomized operational excellence and ensured warfighters could share and protect information globally.  He was the leader of DISA’s efforts at the onset of Operations Enduring and Iraqi Freedom, establishing support for the Iraq Coalition Provisional Authority (CPA), and in establishing the Iraq Task Force for Business and Stability Operations.  After Hurricanes Katrina, Rita, and Wilma and during the United States' response to the South Asia tsunami, Mr. Huffman led DISA’s response providing communications within 24-hours to include the deployment of over 300 satellite phones to the respective Joint Task Forces and Federal Emergency Management Agency Coordination Centers.

Mr. Mihelcic's leadership, vision, and technical acumen are the foundations for the engineering processes, guidance, and standards to accelerate the Department of Defense's (DoD) movement toward net-centric operations and warfare.  His leadership and initiatives have fundamentally changed the way DISA plans, engineers, and integrates joint, interoperable, and secure net-centric capabilities and services to rapidly satisfy warfighter needs.  His leadership is reflected in actions that have changed how DoD and DISA address future warfighter requirements.  He developed the DoD's enterprise wide systems engineering (EWSE) processes and plan and published a strategic plan to migrate Global Information Grid services and applications to a net-centric internet protocol (IP) architecture and migrate the GIG to the next generation of IP.  He established DISA’s board for facilitating and governing cross program integration and synchronization.

Inquiries should be directed to the DISA Public Affairs Office.


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