SOHO Synoptic Database Search Engine

The following form allows you to search for the solar image files archived in the SOHO synoptic database by image format, date, image type, or image source.

To search for solar images made by SOHO instruments, you should go to the SOHO Summary Database Search Engine.

Image format:   FITS GIF/JPEG         Reverse sort by time
Search on date: Yes  No
           from ,
           to   ,

Image Type:     

Image Source:

Optionally, queried files can be put into a single archive file for downloading. However, some restrictions apply: (i) Total size of queried files cannot exceed 20MB; you should narrow down your search criteria if this limit is reached. (ii) The archive file will be written to a scratch disk area and be purged at the beginning of every hour (our time); you should download the file as soon as you can before the file is purged.

 Make Archive File:  in Zip (recommended) or Tar Format

Press the Search button to start searching, and Reset to return the form to its initial state. Use your browser's Back button to abort the search.

Your Action: