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Make a Balloon-powered Nanorover!
Real nanoroverToy nanorover
Which is the real rover that will explore an asteroid?
Roving a mini-"planet" calls for a "mini-rover." NASA worked on a tiny rover just a couple of inches high to explore an asteroid. It was planned to be part of a Japanese mission to Asteroid 4660 Nereus. The "nanorover" ("nano" meaning very tiny) was designed to explore the surface of the asteroid and take pictures. Sadly, this nanorover didn't get to go to the asteroid after all. But it or a tiny rover like it might just reach such a tiny destination someday.

You can build a nanorover too. Try this one, made from three styrofoam meat trays. This project is a little bit hard, so you might want to ask a grown-up or big brother or sister to do it with you.

Girls with their completed nanorover!

How to build your nanorover.

More about the real nanorover.

You can also download an Adobe Acrobat file of this entire activity.

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Last Updated: April 24, 2008
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