Press Release (

For Immediate Release

February 14, 2007

Contact: 202-521-3850


Yemen's Eligibility for Assistance Reinstated by Millennium Challenge Corporation Board

Fact Sheets

Read a fact sheet about why Yemen was reinstated.

Washington, D.C.—The Millennium Challenge Corporation Board of Directors today reinstated the eligibility of the Republic of Yemen for participation in MCC’s Threshold Program. 

The Threshold Program is designed to assist countries that are on the “threshold,” meaning they have not yet qualified for larger Compact grants, but have demonstrated a significant commitment to improve their performance on the eligibility criteria.  The MCC Board of Directors selects countries for the Threshold Program based on overall performance on 16 policy indicators, as well as countries’ demonstrated ability to undertake reforms. 

“Since its suspension in 2005, Yemen has undertaken a series of impressive reforms,” said Ambassador John Danilovich, CEO of the MCC. “In addition to what has been accomplished thus far, the Government of Yemen has made a number of important reform commitments.  Looking at the progress we have been able to document, Yemen has demonstrated its commitment to continuing this reform effort.”

Yemen was eligible for Threshold Program assistance in 2004, but its eligibility was suspended by the Board in November 2005, following a consistent pattern of deterioration in Yemen’s policy performance on the selection criteria.  With today’s action, Yemen may now apply for a Threshold Program Agreement.

The MCC Board of Directors found that the Yemeni government has worked aggressively and demonstrably to address the country’s performance on the MCC selection criteria.

In February 2006, President Ali Abdallah Saleh signaled the start of an aggressive reform effort with a cabinet shuffle. At that time, the government also introduced and began implementing an impressive National Agenda for Reform.  This reform agenda addresses policies evaluated by the MCC selection indicators.

“Continued participation in the MCA program is contingent upon good performance on the policy benchmarks used to award eligibility.  We will continue to monitor Yemen’s progress in these indicators,” Danilovich said.

Some of the reforms completed or in process by Yemen include:

Countries selected to receive Threshold assistance must create a plan that identifies measurable ways to improve specific indicator scores and submit the plan to MCC for review and approval.  To be considered for award of a Threshold Program Agreement, the country’s Threshold Program plan must demonstrate a meaningful commitment to reform and a high likelihood of successful implementation. By improving a low indicator score, a country may meet in future years the selection criteria for eligibility for a Millennium Challenge Compact to help reduce poverty and stimulate economic growth.

MCC is a different approach to development assistance that recognizes sound policies and good governance are critical to poverty reduction and economic growth in developing countries.


Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC), a U.S. government corporation designed to work with some of the poorest countries in the world, is based on the principle that aid is most effective when it reinforces good governance, economic freedom, and investments in people that promote economic growth and elimination of extreme poverty.

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