SOHO 1000th Comet Contest

The SOHO 1000th Comet Contest

Contest Objective

Contest Rules

  1. The contest is open to anyone, anywhere, except those administering the contest.
  2. Entries can only be submitted using this form.
  3. Entry submission will closeafter the discovey of Comet 960.
  4. Entries without a name and valid e-mail address will be discarded.
  5. Only one entry per person will be accepted.
  6. In the case of the 1000th comet being an archive discovery, then the discoverer is also not eligible, but the closest guess still wins.
  7. Guesses will not be publicized until the entry period has closed.
However, names will be posted periodically to verify that an entry has been received on your behalf.

Visit the SOHO Homepage to find the winners after the 1000th comet is discovered.


Comet Information

Tips: Possible Strategies

Notes & Disclaimers

Last modification: Friday, 20-May-2005 15:12:45 EDT
Feedback and comments about this site, please direct to the SOHO Webmaster.
Questions about our mission, the spacecraft and science, please check: Dr. SOHO.

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