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TI News: An information service from Office of Travel & Tourism Industries (OTTI)

July 25, 2006

U.S. Department of Commerce launches International Tourism Promotion Campaign in Japan

Campaign & Launch

The U.S. Department of Commerce launched its International Tourism Promotion Campaign in Japan in July 2006, utilizing the theme line, “You’ve Seen the Films, Now Visit the Set.”™ The campaign uses films featuring U.S. destinations that showcase America as an exciting place to visit.

Based on detailed consumer research, the Office of Travel and Tourism Industries and the Visit America Alliance (comprised of Edelman, M&C Saatchi and their sub-contractors), designed, developed and implemented a fully integrated marketing campaign encouraging Japanese travel to the United States.

Advertising components include television, cinema, and station posters, as well as in-store and on-line special promotions.

The objectives of the campaign are to 1) increase awareness of the United States as a travel destination; 2) increase positive perception of the United States as a travel destination; 3) increase interest and future intent to visit the United States; and 4) increase economic benefits from visitation.

The campaign was kicked-off in Tokyo by Ana Guevara, Deputy Assistant Secretary for Services.  Ambassador to Japan, J. Thomas Schieffer, joined Ms. Guevara in announcing the campaign at various events during the week of June 19th. 

Critical Partnerships

The Office of Travel and Tourism Industries worked closely with the Commercial Service office at the U.S. Embassy, advertising and public relations contractors and sub-contractors.   OTTI has also developed several key strategic partnerships that will support the success of the campaign in Japan.

The Travel Industry Association of America (TIA) has once again donated the use of their website to promote this campaign, which can be found at  As a result, TIA has implemented a newly enhanced website.  They’ve refreshed content and translated a significant portion of the material; making the site more consumer-friendly to the Japanese market.

The two special promotions that are being implemented this summer provide amplification to the advertising components of the campaign.  This is the result of partnerships with Tsutaya and Mitsukoshi retail stores.  Tsutaya is Japan’s largest record/book/DVD retail outlet, similar to Borders or Barnes & Noble in the United States.  Mitsukoshi is Japan’s oldest and most prestigious department store, along the lines of Bloomingdale’s or Bergdorff-Goodman.  Both retailers have taken a strong interest in this campaign, thereby encouraging their customers to visit the United States.

Both retailers are promoting this campaign through major sweepstakes and promotional prize give-aways.   This could not have happened had it not been for the support of more than 50 travel and tourism industry partners, both in Japan and the United States.  Prizes include airline tickets, deluxe hotel stays, travel merchandise, and generous grand prize packages. 

To learn more about the Japanese market to the USA, visit the OTTI Japan website page at:
U.S. Department of Commerce
International Trade Administration
Office of Travel and Tourism Industries
14th & Constitution Avenue NW, Room 1003
Washington, D.C. 20230
Phone:(202) 482-0140
Fax: (202) 482-2887

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